Strategy Mapping & the Learning and Growth Perspective
Assignment Overview
Explain the process of strategy mapping and how it relates to performance management and establishing value propositions. You may discuss this theoretically or use the Glacier Inn case study presented in the Armitage and Scholey (2009) document in your readings to serve as an example for integrating these ideas. Alternatively, you can use the Hazard Action Zone case study presented in Murby & Gold document (see background readings) if you’d prefer.
Armitage, H., Scholey, C., (2006). Using strategy maps to drive performance. Society of Mgt. Accountants of Canada. Retrieved from:
Assignment Expectations
Your essay should be 3 pages long and include the following:
Introduction: In this part of your essay you will need to introduce your topic and provide a very brief overview of the key points you plan to make in your paper.
Analysis: In this section you will present the actual comparison and contrast between BAA’s approach to the Balanced Scorecard and more traditional approaches.
Conclusion: Wrap up your argument with a clear and cogent synopsis of your findings. Do your best to convince your reader (aka, your professor) as to your position.
Background Material
MacKay, A., (2004) A practitioners guide to the balanced scorecard: A practitioners’ report based on: Shareholder and stakeholder approaches to strategic performance measurement using the balanced scorecard. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Retrieved from: leadership_docs/tech_resrep_a_practitioners_guide_to_the_balanced_scorecard_2005.pdf
Review Chapters 1-6 and read section 7.2 of:
Murby, L., Gould, S., (2005). Effective Performance Management with the Balanced Scorecard: Technical Report. Chartered Institute of Management Accountants. Retrieved from:
Read the following:
Armitage, H., Scholey, C., (2006). Using strategy maps to drive performance. Society of Mgt. Accountants of Canada. Retrieved from:
Also take a look at the following web page and download the Strategy Map in a word document. This is a real simple example that will assist you in your strategy mapping discussions
National Institute of Standards & Technology [NIST]., (2012). Baldrige Program Strategy Map. Retrieved from:
This web article will be helpful for focusing your SLP.
Niven, P. (N.D.) Learning and growth perspective. EPM Review. Retrieved from