Word limit 2000 words (excluding reference list, table of contents and appendices
Choose a case study (which you will also use in the last report) and produce an interim report that covers the following issues:
reasons for selecting the case study
( I broke my back but am able to walk again )
identification of the audience for the report, their needs for information and the purpose of the report
the local and national context of the case study, which involves presenting and commenting on relevant statistical information
Theories, policies and organisations relevant to understanding the case study that you will develop in more depth for the last report in study.In this assignment, you take the role of an independent consultant analysing a situation to inform decision making. You have been asked to construct an interim report in which you explore a case study, setting it within a specific context and outlining key ideas.Case Study: Yvonne
Age: 58 Female Disability: Unable to walk due to spinal injury
Yvonne lost the use of her legs after falling down the stairs at the age of 55, and now she uses a wheelchair.
She previously worked as a teaching assistant. Now she lives on various disability benefits.
Current situation
Recently widowed, Yvonne lives alone, but has a son and a daughter living nearby, both married and in full-time work. She loved her work at the school and misses the company and activity that it gave her. A support worker visits every other day to help Yvonne take a bath. Otherwise, she relies on her family for support.
Due, most likely, to the combination of the accident and losing her husband, Yvonne has been feeling depressed and currently takes antidepressants. Yvonnes sense of self-worth and pride has taken a serious knock, because she feels dependent on her relations for support, and on the pills that her GP prescribes for her mood.
For the last 10 years, Yvonne has enjoyed using her personal computer to research local and family history, and to pursue her love of jazz music. Since feeling depressed, she uses the computer rarely now. However, a family friend, who runs a mail order business, has indicated that if Yvonne were willing to enrol on a formal course to learn computing and ICT skills, he would consider offering her a job. Yvonne is interested in taking up this opportunity, and feels that it might give her a new lease of life.
Yvonnes son and daughter are opposed to the idea because, they say:
Yvonne is getting on in years, she is disabled (and receives disability benefits), and there is no point in trying to start a new job now.
Currently Yvonnes daughter and daughter-in-law take turns in calling at around 9.30 each morning, to help Yvonne get up and to make sure she has enough food for the day. They cant come any earlier, which would be necessary if Yvonne were to take up training and employment.
This family friend has a reputation for demanding long hours of work for low wages. They suspect he will exploit their mothers situation for his own ends.
The future?
So what could Yvonne and her family do? Yvonne is in a vulnerable state, and does not know which way to go. The easiest route would be to accede to her childrens demands, and forget about the training and the job. However, Yvonne feels unfulfilled and unhappy with life as it is now. The support worker who visits every other day is aware of the situation, and has obtained Yvonnes agreement to involve a social worker to try to resolve the situation.
Some References that might be helpful
Glaister, A. (2007) Introducing critical practice, in Fraser, S. and Matthews, S. (eds.) The Critical Practitioner in Social Work and Health Care, London, Sage Publications Ltd.
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Andrews, K. (2007) Ethical dilemmas in caring for people with complex disabilities, in Leathard, A. and McLaren, S. (eds) Ethics: Contemporary Challenges in Health and Social Care, Bristol, The Policy Press, pp. 22942.
Beauchamp, T.L. (2006) The four principles, in Green, S.A. and Bloch, S. (2006) An Anthology of Psychiatric Ethics, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Beauchamp, T.L. and Childress, J. F. (1989) Principles of Biomedical Ethics, 3rd edn, New York, Oxford University Press.
Beauchamp, T.L. and Childress, J.F. (2009) Principles of Biomedical Ethics, 6th edn, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
Butts, J.B. and Rich, K.L. (2005) Introduction to nursing ethics, in Butts, J.B. and Rich, K.L. (eds) Nursing Ethics: Across the Curriculum and into Practice, Sudbury, MA, Jones and Bartlett Publishers, pp. 128.
Campion-Smith, C. (2007) Ethics and primary care, in Leathard, A. and McLaren, S. (eds) Ethics: Contemporary Challenges in Health and Social Care, Bristol, The Policy Press, pp. 6982.
Eby, M. and Gallagher, A. (2007) Values and ethics in practice, in Fraser, S. and Mathews, S. (2007) The Critical Practitioner in Health and Social Care, London, Sage.
Ellis, K. (2004) Dependency, justice and the ethic of care, in Dean, H. (ed.) The Ethics of Welfare: Human Rights, Dependency and Responsibility, Bristol, The Policy Press, pp. 2968.
Fitzgerald, L. and Dopson, S. (2005) Professional boundaries and the diffusion of innovation, in Dopson, S. and Fitzgerald, L. (eds) Knowledge to Action? Evidence-based Health Care in Context, Oxford, Oxford University Press, pp. 10431.
Fletcher, L. and Buka, P. (1999) A Legal Framework for Caring: An Introduction to Law and Ethics in Health Care, Basingstoke, Palgrave.
Garrard, E. (2009) What is ethics?, in Earle, S., Komaromy, C. and Bartholomew, C. (eds) Death and Dying: A Reader, London, Sage/The Open University, pp. 11319.
Gillon, R. (2003) Ethics needs principles four can encompass the rest and respect for autonomy should be first among equals, Journal of Medical Ethics, vol. 29, pp. 30712.
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Leathard, A. and McLaren, S. (eds) (2007) Ethics: Contemporary Challenges in Health and Social Care, Bristol, The Policy Press.
McAdam, C. and Rai, G. (2004) Confidentiality, in Rai, G.S. (ed.) Medical Ethics and the Elderly, 2nd edn, Oxford, Radcliffe Medical Press, pp. 918.
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Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) The code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives, www.nmc-uk.org/Nurses-and-midwives/The-code/The-code-in-full (accessed 19 October 2010).
Open University (2009) K260 Death and dying, Block 4, Unit 1, Introduction to ethics, Milton Keynes, The Open University.
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broke my back but am able to walk again