choose an article from the huffington postYou can choose any item from the edition of the day or week. It can come from the business section, sports, arts, science, etc. However,you cannot use an article more than a month old.You have to use a current item, because the point of this exercise is for you to see how sociological theory can help us to understand current, not past, events. As you select a news item, think about a theory that you can relate to it.Once you have selected both the news story and the theory, it is time to write your paper. It should include a brief summary of the news story, a brief overview of the theory you are applying to explain it, including a definition and application of TWO concepts, and an explanation of the connection you see between the theory/concepts and the news story. Your paper should be 400-600 words.You will use Pierre Bourdieus Constructivist Structuralism. The concept is classes and capital. the two you can use from 1. Economic capital, or productive protery (money and material object that can be used to produced goods and services, 2. Social capital, or positions and relations in grouping and socail networks 3. Cultural Capital, or informal interpersonal skills, habit, manners linguistic styles, educational credentials, tastes and lifestyle. 4. Symbolic capital, or the use of symbols to legitimate the possession of varying levels and configurations of the other three types of capital. Apply two of those concepts to one article from the huffington post
Briefly overview of the theory you are applying to explain it, including a definition and application of TWO concepts, and an explanation of the connection you see between the theory/concepts and the news story.