1. According to Kant, what is a genius? What makes it different from other forms of proficient, such as science?
2. Discuss the role of taste in Kants Critique of Judgment. For example, what does it have to do with genius?
3. In Art as a Cultural System, Clifford Geertz criticizes a small group of Westerners who discuss art differently from most of people in the world. What are the characteristics of these men, and what is Geertz’s criticism of them?
4. In the book “Art as a Cultural System”, Geertz wrote, ” This realization, that to study an art form is to study a sensibility, that such a sensibility is essentially a collective formation, and that the foundations of such a formation are as wide as social existence and as deep, leads not only from the view that aesthetic power is a grandiloquence for the pleasures of craft. What does this sentence mean? How does it increase the conversation about the art we have always had?
Briefly answer four questions