Brenner argues that a Marxist approach to the rise of capitalism in England is superior to the mainstream approach. However, Guy Bois suggests that Brenners argument is not really Marxist . Why would Bois make this claim? Given the data and arguments presented in Brenner, do you think a Northian or Marxian explanation of the rise of capitalism is more fruitful?
Paper deals with the rise of capitalism in western Europe from the time of fuedalism to the industrial period.
T.H. Aston and C.H.E. Philpin The Brenner Debate
Douglas North Structure and Change in Economic HistoryNeed aProfessionalWriter to Work on this Paper?
Brenner argues that a Marxist approach to the rise of capitalism in England is superior to the mainstream approach. However, Guy Bois suggests that Brenners argument is not really Marxist . Why would Bois make this claim? Given the data and arguments presented in Brenner, do you think a Northian or Marxian explanation of the rise of capitalism is more fruitful?