Book Chapter Analysis (10%)
Book Chapter Analysis (10%)
Your paper should be 700-1000 words long.
Structure of your paper:
• Introduction
• Chapter summary
• Section that reflects your own opinion about that chapter
• Conclusion
• References
Book Chapter Analysis (10%)
For each day Book Chapter Analysis (10%)
the paper is late, 1 out of 10 points will be deducted.
This assignment should be uploaded on safeassign by 11:59pm on April 4, 2017.
Grading Rubric
Criteria Below expectations
Acceptable Exceeds Expectations
Points earned
Paper outline
Chapter summary
Personal reflection
Summary of main points
Language (sentence structure, grammar, spelling)
Overall paper layout:
Does the paper have subheadings? Is it well structured? Is it easy to follow the arguments?
In-text citations /5
References /5
Total points: /100