For your book analysis of William Pitt Ballinger: Texas Lawyer, Southern Statesman, 1825-1888, by John A. Moretta.
Within every antebellum Southern state there existed a small professional class, located mostly in the region’s urban areas. Within these environments, especially if they were port cities, such as Galveston, the “Southern way of life” took on a completely different meaning in virtually all aspects of daily life as well as in overall outlook on the key issues of the time. Such as was true for Galvestonian William Pitt Ballinger, who in a variety of capacities reflected this “other” Southern existence. Explain how Ballinger’s life as a professional, slave holder, Whig nationalist and anti-secessionist was atypical for his time. Cite specific examples from your reading to support your observations.
You are to read the first seven chapters; that is Ballinger’s life through the end of the Civil War. Once Ballinger accepted the legitimacy of secession, he rather quickly transformed into a rabid Confederate nationalist, why? What prompted such a metamorphosis?
Again, your papers are to be typed, double-spaced, using a 12 point font and appropriate margins. Minimum of five pages is required; more is always most welcomed. Papers are due on March 6 at midnight.
For your book analysis of William Pitt Ballinger: Texas Lawyer, Southern Statesman, 1825-1888, by John A. Moretta