blog post
Write a blog post (400words) which must contain these four components:
̢¢ Concept
̢¢ Definition
̢¢ Exemplification
̢¢ Discussion
The post should not be a summary but a critical engagement with a concept. Concepts are selected from the unit materials (lectures, tutorial discussions, readings and further materials). Definitions are taken from the unit readings and student’s own reading of scholarly’ sources that are peer-reviewed including journal articles, academic books and conference proceedings.
This involves considering relevant scholarly literature from the unit materials and your own research. Each week students can draw on examples from popular media sources, social media and current events, professional practice and your own interests and experience. The components of the blog are connected together with your own original thoughts and ideas that discus the broader implications of issues of globalisation.
Each post should consider a minimum of one peer-reviewed scholarly source. The blogs must employ in-text citation and be referenced fully using the Harvard (author / date / page number) system.
IMPORTANT: The use of images and embedded video and audio is encouraged, but all media must be accompanied with a copyright notice, citation and link to the original source.
blog post

blog post

blog post
Write a blog post. which must contain these four components:
• Concept
• Definition
• Exemplification
• Discussion
The post should not be a summary but a critical engagement with a concept. Concepts are selected from the unit materials (lectures, tutorial discussions, readings and further materials). Definitions are taken from the unit readings and student’s own reading of ‘scholarly’ sources that are peer-reviewed including journal articles, academic books and conference proceedings.
This involves considering relevant scholarly literature from the unit materials and your own research. Each week students can draw on examples from popular media sources, social media and current events, professional practice and your own interests and experience. The components of the blog are connected together with your own original thoughts and ideas that discus the broader implications of issues of globalisation.
blog post

blog post
Write a blog post. which must contain these four components:
• Concept
• Definition
• Exemplification
• Discussion
The post should not be a summary but a critical engagement with a concept. Concepts are selected from the unit materials (lectures, tutorial discussions, readings and further materials). Definitions are taken from the unit readings and student’s own reading of ‘scholarly’ sources that are peer-reviewed including journal articles, academic books and conference proceedings.
This involves considering relevant scholarly literature from the unit materials and your own research. Each week students can draw on examples from popular media sources, social media and current events, professional practice and your own interests and experience. The components of the blog are connected together with your own original thoughts and ideas that discus the broader implications of issues of globalisation.