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Choose one (just one) of the topics presented below and write a brief essay that summarizes the article or video. Include your own thoughts about the topic, and back up your opinions with examples from the link.

This extra credit assignment is due June 13th at 11:59PM. (Submit via the Turnitin assignment link in the Extra Credit Questions Folder in Blackboard). It is worth 10 points, which will be added to your exam grade for Exam 4. Please take a look at the rubric below to see how I will grade this essay. (Pro Tip: Most students lose credit on these assignments for not properly citing their reference at the end of the essay, having too high a similarity percentage, or not including their opinions on the material.)

Crime Lab Scandals Just Keep Getting Worse

23andMe genetic test reveals disturbing artificial insemination switch

The Silent Horror That’s Afflicting Thai Monks

The Problems With DNA Evidence and Testing – The Atlantic

The rise of performance-enhancing genes- A single ‘super’ gene can make a dramatic difference to an athlete’s performance. But is that fair?

White Men Can’t Jump? Race, genes and sports

Exploring bias in forensic DNA profiling – Dan Krane – TEDxDayton



(2 point) Article summary is complete and relevant
(2 point) Personal opinion is provided
(2 points) Opinion is supported with examples and details
(1 point) Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation

(2 points) Reference provided and properly formatted

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literature review comparing two organisms across a particular body system, environmental effects/requirements, body plan, behavior, physical characteristics, homeostasis, developmental mechanisms or levels of organization along with pertinent background information on the organisms chosen.

General Guidelines:
 5 pages (this does NOT include the cover page or the annotated bibliography).  If you go a little over 5 pages, that’s okay.
 Use APA format for your paper.
 Double spaced
 Font size 12
 Times New Roman Font
 1 inch margins
 Number your pages
 Please have a cover page with your name, BSC10LL, Your section, TA name, the date, Title of your paper
o Make sure you include the genus and species name as well as the common name in your cover page.  Make sure to italicize the genus and species name on your cover page and throughout your

You are basically converting your outline into paragraph form and adding more detail to make your 5 page paper.

 Remember that paragraphs are always 5-8 sentences.

Do NOT make a paragraph a whole page long! Break it up.
 If you’re going to include a picture in your literature review, that’s fine. But the pictures must go on a separate page at the end and label the figure as “Figure 1 Angiosperm Life Cycle” and then when you need to talk about it in your paper, you would say something like “According the life cycle of the flower it goes from being… as in Figure 1”. Do NOT place the figures within your 5 pages of writing.
 Make sure you cite after everything that you paraphrase!!!
o Every source that is in your annotated bibliography should be cited at least twice in your actual paper.
 In-text citations should be as follows: (Author’s Last Name, Year).
 If there’s 2 authors, cite as: (Author’s Last Name and Author’s Last Name, Year).  If there’s more than 2 authors, cite it as: (Author’s Last Name et. al, Year).
 There are NO QUOTES ALLOWED!!!! Everything must be paraphrased!!
 If you took this class before, you canNOT re-submit the same paper!!! You will need to pick another topic.
 Make sure that you use the right forms of theirs, there’s, its, it’s, etc.
 Make sure that everything is organized and that it flows. Don’t jump around in what you are talking about.
 Remember this is not an essay paper, it’s RESEARCH you did on your organisms so you will not be using the words “I” or “you” anywhere in the paper (except in your annotated bibliography).

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