Literature Survey: Biocatalytic applications of peroxidase enzymes. Project: Chemical modification of horseradish peroxidase A2 isozyme.Lit survey descriptor: Enzymes are finding increasing use as practical biocatalysts of key steps in the synthesis of small-molecule pharmaceuticals, and in other processing applications. Numerous peroxidases from a variety of sources have been used in these situations.Your literature survey should describe examples of peroxidase biocatalysts, whether naturallysourced or recombinantly-produced. Directed evolution studies, or other strategies for ?improving? performance, are especially relevant. You should pay particular attention to practical applications, especially in pharma- and/or industrially relevant examples, and to material published since 2005 (including patent specifications).Project descriptor: Plant (Class III) peroxidases have numerous applications throughout biotechnology but their thermal and oxidative stabilities often limit their usefulness. Horseradish peroxidase isoenzyme C (HRPC) has good catalytic properties and is moderately resistant to heat and to oxidation. In contrast, HRP isoenzyme A2 (HRPA2) has better oxidative but poorer thermal stability, while soybean peroxidase (SBP) displays high thermal stability. Enhancement of HRPA2?s resistance to heat (by chemical modification and/or immobilization), combined with its natural oxidative stability, could provide a robust and useful biocatalyst. You will compare the catalytic and stability properties of commercial preparations of HRPA2 and SBP. You will undertake chemical modification of HRPA2 using carbodiimide reagents that are specific for carboxyl groups (Asp, Glu residues and the C-terminus). You will also modify HRPA2 amino groups (Lys residues and the N-terminus) with anhydrides and other reagents. Your objectives are to optimize (i) the yield of HRPA2 activity post-modification, (ii) its thermal and oxidative stabilities and (iii) its catalytic performance. The host lab is experienced with numerous enzymes, especially horseradish peroxidase C (HRPC) and soybean peroxidase (SBP). It has described stabilized forms of HRPC, achieved by (i) chemical modification and (ii) recombinant means, in numerous papers. You will gain a wide and good experience of working with enzymes, chemical modification of proteins and protein stability testing.Above is the description of both literature and project research And I need you to write the literature only.In the literature:Summary (Abstract) 150 words no more Introduction Conclusion References (Harvard)In the contact:1. Talk about enzyme in general: definition + types + important and interested information about the enzyme. Not more than have a page. 2. Peroxidase: 3-5 pages ? This enzyme that am going to focus on, history (like discovered by how, when it first used and where. Try to focus on the important and interesting information. ? Definition ? Types ? Application/uses (in pharma/industry) ? Examples of peroxidase biocatalysts, whether naturally sourced or recombinantly-produced. Mention more that 7 examples or more and summary them in tables but I need you to focus in three of them in the next part.In the web below there is examples of summary table that I need to have in my essay not the same but the same idea to summary the information. Horseradish (Natural example of peroxidase: 3-5 pages ? This example that am going to focus on, history (like discovered by how, when it first used and where. Try to focus on the important and interesting information. ? Definition ? Structure of HRP molecule+ pic (don?t forget to reference any picture) ? Function of HRP ? Application/uses (in pharma/industry) include that it is used in DNA probe ? Activity and stability of HRP ? Strategies for improvising performance, direct evolution studies4. Soybean (Natural example of peroxidase: 3-5 pages ? This example that am going to focus on also , history (like discovered by how, when it first used and where. Try to focus on the important and interesting information. ? Definition ? Structure of soybean molecule + pic (don?t forget to reference any picture) ? Function of soybean ? Application/uses (in pharma/industry) ? Activity and stability of soybean ? Strategies for improvising performance, direct evolution studies5. Cytochrome p450 (animal example of peroxidase: 2-3 pages ? This example that am going to focus on also, history (like discovered by how, when it first used and where. Try to focus on the important and interesting information. ? Definition ? Structure of Cytochrome p450 molecule + pic (don?t forget to reference any picture) ? Function Cytochrome p450 ? Application/uses (in pharma/industry) ? Activity and stability of Cytochrome p450 ? Strategies for improvising performance, direct evolution studies6. Chemical modification of peroxidase: 3-5 p ? How to measure the activity of peroxidase ? How to measure the stability of peroxidase ? There are new published articles by china and Iran about the Chemical modification of peroxidase includes it here. ? Talk about the references that I put ? Or any thing you thing will suit this partImportant Notes: im biotechnology students ? Use information for the last 10 year only ? Foucs on the primary sources (describe new research in various fields of investigation ) ? Use Scoups there are a lot of information about this topics ? The literature survey should be intelligible to a person with scientific background but not familiar with the subject area ? Try to make the information kind of story and interesting ? Make the document attractive to reader ? Tables for summarixing materials in a succinct way it allows to include relevant stuff that u may have searched out ? but due to the limit, u haven?t the space to write about in details. ? The differences between abstract and the conclusion.Conclusion: regarding what is good/bad/indifferent, emerging trends, fruitful course of action, recommendation for future study.Abstract: is a terse summary of the entire essay, it must be accurately but economically phrased to give a true summary of the essays main point in a single paragraph. It should interest the casual reader in reading the entire essaySome References i need to be used in my essay:? A-M OBrien, AT Smith & C ?F?g?in. (2003) Effects of Phthalic Anhydride Modification on Horseradish Peroxidase Stability and Activity. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING 81: 233-240. ? A-M OBrien, C ?F?g?in, PF Nielsen & KG Welinder. (2001) Location of Crosslinks in Chemically Stabilized Horseradish Peroxidase. Implications for Design of Crosslinks. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND BIOENGINEERING 76: 277-284 ? BJ Ryan, N Carolan & C ?F?g?in. (2006) Horseradish and soybean peroxidases: comparable tools for alternative niches? Trends Biotechnol 24: 355-363.
biocatalytic application of peroxidase enzyme