Big bend term paper
Project description
1.what was the depositional environment of the sedimentary rocks exposed in the study area?<br />
2.what is the nature of magnetism (composition, age, and type of intrusive bodies)<br />
3. What type of folds and faults are exposed in the study area and when did they form?<br />
4.what is the sequence of events (geologic history) archived in the dagger flat area?<br />
Geologic Report Elements (NW near Dagger Mountains)<br />
1 Introduction<br />
2. Tectonic Setting<br />
2.1 Geographic Setting<br />
2.2 Major tectonic episodes relevant to project<br />
2.3 Magmatic episodes relevant to project<br />
3.Rock Units ( Describe the following)<br />
(the units I saw were)young Alluvium, Old Alluvium, Igneous Intrusions (basalt), Boquillas, Buda, Del Rio, Santa Elena)<br />
3.1 Sedimentary units<br />
3.2 igneous units<br />
3.3 Quaternary deposits<br />
4 (Structural Geology)<br />
4.1 folds<br />
4.2 faults<br />
5 discussion <br />
5.1 Give a geologic history of the area based on your results.<br />
6 references Style should be GSA bulletin<br />
7 figures<br />
( for the writer, there was two normal faults in the santa elena unit.