This paper continues the process of your research study by discussing the research design. Procedures: Methods Section (1 -2 Pages)This section describes how you will conduct your study. Regardless of the type of research you plan to do, you need to indicate how you will carry out your study so others may judge its viability, worth, etc. For example, for empirical research, this section includes a description of the subjects (or participants), the measurements, the data-collection methods, and analysis/analyses (1-2 Pages). Outline how you would conduct your own study on a topic in criminal justice. This section should be detailed and provide enough information for another person to replicate your study based entirely on the information included in this section. A detailed methods section would include the following: Restate Your Hypothesis: Make sure you provide a clear statement of your research hypothesis. This will also include identification of the independent and dependent variables. You will also need a statement of your hypothesis. Make sure to state your independent and dependent variables.For example, Prison-based college programs reduce recidivism. Prison-based college programs is the IV and recidivism is the DVSubjects for study:
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Describe the subjects (people or objects, e.g. texts) for your study, considering carefully the type and number you need. Explain your method of selecting your sample. Describe the population and how the sample will be drawn. Discuss the subject(s) in relation to your research question or hypothesis, to availability, and to your research design. That is, you need to identify the subjects and make clear whether they will be available and how you will reach them. This section typically answers the following questions: Who or what will you study in order to collect data? Is it appropriate to select a sample from a larger pool? If so, how will you do that? How do these subjects relate to your research question(s)? How you will identify members of the population and how you will select the sample. What sampling method are you using? How many people will be included? What geographical area are you focusing upon? Measurement: .Describe the kinds of measures you intend to use and explain why you have selected these (have they been used previously?). A discussion of measurements generally considers the following questions: What are the key variables in your study? How will you define and measure them? Do your definitions and measurements draw on or differ from those of previous research in this area? You want to consider whether you will use concurrent, retrospective, direct or indirect product measurements or some combination of these. Your research question should guide you in your selection. Your conceptual and operational definitions of the variables in your hypothesis will be clearly stated in this section.Remember a conceptual definition provides an idea regarding the concept; a operational definition is specific to how the concept will be measured. For example: Conceptual: Success: one’s ability to succeed Operation: Success is measured by no recidivism and/or reduced disciplinary infractions. Conceptual: Inmate: A person who is incarcerated.Operational: Inmate: A male or female between the ages of 18 and 65 incarcerated for a minimum of 5 years/maximum of 55 years in a NYS correctional Facility.Data-Collection Methods: .Describe what you plan to actually do and the kind of research you will conduct. Your data-collection methods obviously need to be consistent with your research problem, your subjects and your measurements. This section typically considers whether you will utilize surveys, 1:1 interviews, secondary data analysis, ethnography, etc. If you are conducting a survey or interview, please attach your questions as an appendix. If you are conducting ethnography, please attach your field notes as an appendix.
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