A preschool teacher decides to introduce a pet into her classroom. The pet was a hit; however, one student continues to sneak food to the pet several times a day. The teacher knows that this studentâ??s family is currently struggling with financial difficulties. The teacher decides to address the problem with the entire class. â??Children, I need your help with a problem. Every day, someone is feeding extra food to our class pet. While I know this may seem like a nice thing to do, our pet canâ??t eat all the extra food and just plays with it instead. Most of the time he knocks part of the food out of the cage, and it makes a mess on the floor.â? Answer the following questions: 1. Is the student who is feeding the pet an example of disruptive or nondisruptive behavior? 2. Why do you think the child is responding with this type of behavior? 3. What has the teacher done to address the situation? 4. Do you think a direct or nondirect approach is the best method for dealing with this situation? 5. What would you do? During a small group activity in first grade, Charlie fidgets in his chair, plays with the activity materials without following directions, and frequently asks to go to the restroom for a drink of water. The activities presented are all teacher-directed activities. If the teacher presses him to participate, Charlie reacts by throwing objects, screaming, or falling on the floor. At other times, he simply puts his head on his desk. Answer the following questions: 6. Is Charlieâ??s behavior an example of disruptive or nondisruptive behavior? 7. What are Charlieâ??s probable reasons for his behavior? List at least five possible causes. 8. What has the teacher done to help solve this problem? 9. What types of teacher actions would be counter-productive? 10. What would you do?Joey is a student in a second-grade classroom. Although he is bright and intelligent, he often forgets to bring his homework to school. His grades do not reflect his true abilities. Joey is friendly and students seem to like him. Lately, however, he seems withdrawn, sullen, and does not want to participate in classroom activities. Yesterday, he had a temper tantrum when asked to clean up his desk and the surrounding area. Joey seems to have several new bruises on his arms and has asked to see the nurse on several occasions. Answer the following questions: 11. Is Joeyâ??s behavior an example of disruptive or nondisruptive behavior? 12. What types of situations do you believe could cause Joeyâ??s sudden change in behavior?13. How would you address Joeyâ??s homework issue? 14. What teacher actions would be counter-productive? 15. What other interventions would you use for Joey? Sylvia has made her mark as the class clown in her first-grade classroom. Her grades are consistently low, which contrasts with her quick wit and personable demeanor. She appears to be well read in everything but required subjects. The teacher is aware that she comes from a somewhat dysfunctional home. Sylvia likes to be the center of attention and often misbehaves just for that purpose. Lately, Sylvia has been making faces across the room at students to make them laugh. Moving her desk does not seem to help; she simply finds another way to receive attention. Answer the following questions: 16. Is Sylviaâ??s behavior an example of disruptive or nondisruptive behavior? 17. What has the teacher done to address the situation? 18. What types of situations do you think might make Sylvia react in this way? 19. What teacher actions would be counter-productive? 20. What would you do? Nadia is a three-year old orthodox Muslim girl attending her first day at a Head Start program. She arrives with her mother and both are dressed in traditional Muslim clothing. Nadia is timid and reluctant to enter the classroom. As her mother begins to walk her into the classroom, Nadia begins to throw a tantrum. She refuses to let go of her momâ??s hand and begins to cry loudly. As the teacher approaches Nadia, she runs out the door of the classroom. The teacher attempts to redirect Nadia back to the classroom and asks Nadia why she does not want to join the other children on the rug. Nadia says she is, â??scared because everyone looks different than her and she is afraid they will make fun of her.â? Answer the following questions: 21. Is Nadiaâ??s behavior an example of disruptive or nondisruptive behavior? What has the teacher done to address the situation? 23. What teacher actions would be counter-productive? 24. What would you do? 25. How can you use this opportunity to teach your students about cultural diversity?