Topic: B300 B: Business Behavior in a Changing World II
Description: [?]
Preferred language style: English (U.K.)
Faculty of Business Studies
B300 B: Business Behavior in a Changing World II
Second Semester 2009 – 2010
This tutor-marked assignment draws on the assigned materials of
Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the Policy module, particularly Chapters 3, 5,
& 7. This assignment will be graded out of a 100 and is worth 15% of
the total grade assigned to the course. Out of the 100 marks, 20% will
be distributed equally to assess the following criteria: presentation
of ideas and organization of the answer, adherence to specified word
count, proper referencing and use of the E-library.
In this TMA, you are expected to demonstrate your knowledge and
understanding of the theories of policy and the impact of government
policies on competition and technology. In your answer, you are
expected to show your critical and analytical skills of the subject
matter and to use material from outside the textbook. Your answer
should be within the specified range of words, and you must follow the
Harvard Style of Referencing. You are expected to present a well
structured and organized piece of work that is of your own. Plagiarism
will be penalized by deduction of marks.
The importance of government policies in the areas of competition and
technology has been the subject of much debate. Analyze the rationale
for government policy making and provide examples regarding the need
for policies in developed countries versus developing countries.
(Use an essay format in a maximum of 2000 words and relevant real-life
examples and the literature to support your arguments and analysis).