Order DescriptionThe password is audismec. watch the entire film (theres no sound) and then make a post in response to three questions: 1. Why Audism is an important concept?2. Here are two scenarios for you to determine whether they manifest audism:Scenario #1 Parents decide not to teach or expose their Deaf child to ASL and Deaf culture at all. Instead, they teach their child Spoken English and hearing culture. Does this reflect audism? Why or why not?Scenario #2 As a Deaf person, I am the first person to order food and there is a long line behind me. A worker gives me a piece of paper and a pen and waits for me to finish writing. The worker is stressed by seeing a long line behind me and decides to take an order from a person behind me if I havent finished writing my order. Is this audism? Why or why not?
Audism Academic Essay