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Assignment requirement:

Assignment requirement:
You must be read 2 readings (http://www.smartcompany.com.au/leadership/45525-how-brian-shanahan- created-temple-webster-a-28-million-online-destination-for-homewares.html and http://www.brw.com.au/p/entrepreneurs/temple_furniture_smarts_media_onlinline_VFqE8P1qQoAhMfJJqUhuuJ ) and only use this company (Temple & Webster), and then must be write following the below form.

According to this table. You can see there are 6 part:
1 Chapter 1 introduction: 200 words, it should be including the strategic issues and challenges it faces, and statement. Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 1 and pages 416 – 418.
Recommended Reading:
Porter, M. 1996 What is Strategy, Harvard Business Review, Nov-Dec., pp.1-20. (Moodle) Bart, C.K., Bontis, N. & Taggar, S. 2001. A model of the impact of mission statements on
firm performance, Management Decision, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 19-35.?Davies, W. 2000. Understanding Strategy, Strategy & Leadership, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 25-
30.?Frery, F. 2006 The Fundamental Dimensions of Strategy, MIT Sloan Management
Review, 48(1): 71-5.?Hitt, M., Boyd, B. & Li, D. 2004. The State of Strategic Management Research and a
Vision for the Future, Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, 1: 1-31. Slesky, J., Goes, J. & Baburoglu, E. 2007. Contrasting Perspectives of Strategy Making,
Organisation Studies, 28(1): 71-94.?Suddaby, R. & Greenwood 2005. Rhetorical Strategies of Legitimacy, Administrative
Science Quarterly, 50: 35-67.?Hambrick & Fredrickson, 2001. Are You Sure You Have a Strategy? Academy of
Management Executive, November.
2 Chapter 2 External analyses: the main issues: 50 words. Industry analysis porter’s 5 forces: 250 words. Conclusions and insights opportunities and threat, vision, mission and values: 150 words.
Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 2
Recommended Reading:
Hambrick, D. & Fredrickson, J. 2005. Are You Sure You Have a Strategy?, Academy of Management Executive, 19 (4): 51-62.
Hamel, G. (1996) ‘Strategy as Revolution’, HBR (July-August)?Hamel, G. and Prahalad, C.K. 1989, ‘Strategic Intent’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 67,
no. 3, p. 63.
Mintzberg, H. 1987. Crafting Strategy, Harvard Business Review [HBR] (July/August): 66- 75 (reprinted in C. A. Montgomery & M. Porter (Ed.) Strategy, Harvard Business School Press.
Mintzberg, H. 1996, Five Ps for Strategy, in The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases, H. Mintzberg, and J. B. Quinn, eds., Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, , pp. 12-19.
Porter, M. E. 2008. The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review (January): 78-93.
Ford, J. A., Steen, J. & Verreynne, M. 2014. How environmental regulations affect innovation in the Australian oil and gas industry: going beyond the Porter hypothesis. Journal of Cleaner Production.
3 Chapter 3 Internal analysis: resource model and associated concepts, and strengths and weaknesses: 450 words
Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 3
Recommended Reading:
Hamel, G. & Prahalad, C.K., 1990. The Core Competence of the Corporation, Harvard Business Review, 68 (3):79-91
Bradfield, R. & van der Heijden, K. 2006. The Role of Scenario Planning in Exploring the Environment in View of the Limitations of PEST and its Derivatives, International Studies of Management and Organisation, 36(3): 50-76.
Lei, D. & Slocum, J. 2005. Strategic and Organisational Requirements for Competitive Advantage, Academy of Management Executive, 19(1): 131-45.
Wang, C.L. & Ahmed, P.K. 2007. Dynamic Capabilities, International Journal of Management Review, 9(1): 31-52.
4 Chapter 4 business level strategies: 450 words
Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 4
Recommended Reading:
Kumar, N. 2006. Strategies to Fight Low Cost Rivals, Harvard Business Review, 84(12): 104-13.
Wan, W.P. & Hoskisson, R.E. 2003. Home Country Environments, Corporate Diversity Strategies and Firm Performance, Academy of Management Journal, 46(1): 27-45.

Sinfield, J. V., E. Calder, B. McConnell and S. Colson. 2012. How to identify new business models. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 85-90.
Zook, C. & J. Allen. 2011. The great repeatable business model: Leveraging a simple formula allows corporations to create new and more-lasting differentiation. Harvard Business Review (November): 106-114.
Gavetti and Rivkin, 2005 How Strategists Really Think, Harvard Business Review, April, pp. 54-63.
Gutterman A.S. 2011. Business Level Strategy (see Moodle). See end of chapter references in Hanson et al P128-130.
5 Chapter 5 recommendation (competitive advantage): 200 words
Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 6
Recommended Reading:
Chakrabarti, A., Singh, K. & Mahmood, I., 2007. Diversification and Performance, Strategic Management Journal, 28: 101-20.
Hamel, G. & Prahalad, C.K., 1990. The Core Competence of the Corporation, Harvard Business Review, 68 (3):79-91
Klein, P.G. & Lien, L.B. 2009. Diversification, Industry Structure and Firm Strategy: An Organizational Economic Perspective, Advances in Strategic Management, Vol 26, 289- 312. (See Moodle)
O’Reilly and Tushman, 2004. The Ambidextrous Organization, Harvard Business Review, April, pp.74-81.
6 conclusion: 150 words
before doing this assignment. Please read the powerpoint and the text book first. Thank you very much.

Topic and question:
Topic: Case Study Analysis: Temple & Webster’s External Environment, Core Competencies and Strategic Choices
Question: First, using the internet and business related literature, research the company, Temple & Webster, an Australian $28 million online destination for homewares. You could begin your search with, http://www.smartcompany.com.au/leadership/45525-how-brian-shanahan- created-temple-webster-a-28-million-online-destination-for-homewares.html
Second, by way of a formal introduction to your formal academic essay (ie not a business report), provide a brief synopsis of the company and the strategic issues and challenges it faces.
Third, in the body of your essay undertake the following analyses:
1.    Temple & Webster’s general external environment. Focus on the most salient elements applicable to Temple & Webster (allocate your words according to the marking criteria). ?
2.    An industry analysis for Temple & Webster. Remember to draw some conclusions or insights about T&W’s external environment and hence its opportunities and threats. For example, what are the industry structure and dynamics? What are the industry trends and the implications of those trends? ?
3.    An internal organisation analysis for Temple & Webster. Again draw insights about its resources, capabilities, core competencies and hence competitive strengths and weaknesses. Also consider the implications for T&W’s vision, mission and values. ?
4.    Identify, discuss and evaluate the business level strategies used by Temple & Webster to compete in the online homewares industry. Consider the risks and benefits associated with those strategies (eg against the forces of competition and why the company has been so successful to date). ?
Note: in undertaking the above analyses be sure to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the relevant core strategic management concepts and theories, as well as your ability to apply them meaningfully to the business case of Temple & Webster. This requires that you undertake a solid literature review and use theory to inform practice and strategy. Guard carefully against undocumented assertions. Be sure to fully reference your work (in-text and end reference list).
Fourth, assume you are a strategic adviser to the owners of Temple & Webster. In light of the issues you identified in the introduction and the analyses you have undertaken, what recommendations would you make to Temple & Webster with regard to developing the company’s competitive advantage for above average returns over the next 5 to 10 years?
Finally, what conclusions can you draw with regard to the relevance of strategic management theory to practice?
Note: You will need more than two (or three) drafts in order to achieve the clarity, consistency, and structure necessary for a graduate level analytical essay. Do not use dot or bullet points. Do not use direct quotes. Be sure to start your essay early and allow time to redraft your essay before its final submission. Your essay must not read like a series of unrelated short answer questions.
Key points to observe
1.    The essay is to be typewritten or word processed. ?Typed essays demonstrate a commitment to academic standards. ?
2.    Type on one side of the page. ?
3.    Leave a generous margin on the left hand side of the page. ?
4.    Always use double spacing. ?
5.    Aim for a simple, clear and direct writing style.
a)    Use one point per sentence. ?
b)    Complete sentences should always be used. ?
c)    Each paragraph should cover only one main idea or a set of closely connected ideas. ?
d)    Headings and sub-headings can be used to make the underlying structure of the analysis clearer. ?
e)    A “chatty” or “journalistic” style should be avoided. The first person (I, we) should be avoided in favour of an impersonal style (the evidence suggests that…) ?
f)    Spelling, grammar and other elements of expression will be considered in the assessment. ?
6.    Avoid many of the problems of poor presentation by drawing up a plan and preparing one or more preliminary drafts before writing the final version of the report. Proof read your final typed version. ?
7.    Use gender neutral language. This is most easily achieved by using the plural form, for example, using “they” instead of “he”. Thus, “A worker faced by new technology may feel that his skills are being devalued” can be re-stated as, “Workers faced by new technology may feel their skills are being devalued.” ?
8.    Appendices to the report should contain any additional information which you regard as important (e.g. graphs, tables, questionnaires). Appendices should be referred to in the text and should be numbered and sequenced in the same order as they appear in the text. ?
9.    Pages should be numbered and the entire report securely stapled. Plastic covers and the like are cumbersome and unnecessary. ?
10.    All sources of information and ideas are to be acknowledged. References in the report should be cited by author and date of publication. ?Example ?Beauchamp and Bowie (2004) suggest …….?OR?It has been suggested (Beauchamp & Bowie, 2004) that …… ?
11.    A reference list must be included on a separate page at the conclusion of your essay. Present the list of references in alphabetical order. In the list of references presented at the end of the essay, cite journal articles and books in the manner of the sample references given below. ?In your reference list, name only those authors that have been referred to in the essay. Do not list any additional reading whose author you have not named in the essay. ?Failure to cite your sources in the body of your essay, along with the absence of an end reference list, will normally lead to a failed grade for your assignment. ?

You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Assignment requirement:

Assignment requirement:
You must be read 2 readings (http://www.smartcompany.com.au/leadership/45525-how-brian-shanahan- created-temple-webster-a-28-million-online-destination-for-homewares.html and http://www.brw.com.au/p/entrepreneurs/temple_furniture_smarts_media_onlinline_VFqE8P1qQoAhMfJJqUhuuJ ) and only use this company (Temple & Webster), and then must be write following the below form.

According to this table. You can see there are 6 part:
1 Chapter 1 introduction: 200 words, it should be including the strategic issues and challenges it faces, and statement. Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 1 and pages 416 – 418.
Recommended Reading:
Porter, M. 1996 What is Strategy, Harvard Business Review, Nov-Dec., pp.1-20. (Moodle) Bart, C.K., Bontis, N. & Taggar, S. 2001. A model of the impact of mission statements on
firm performance, Management Decision, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 19-35.?Davies, W. 2000. Understanding Strategy, Strategy & Leadership, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 25-
30.?Frery, F. 2006 The Fundamental Dimensions of Strategy, MIT Sloan Management
Review, 48(1): 71-5.?Hitt, M., Boyd, B. & Li, D. 2004. The State of Strategic Management Research and a
Vision for the Future, Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, 1: 1-31. Slesky, J., Goes, J. & Baburoglu, E. 2007. Contrasting Perspectives of Strategy Making,
Organisation Studies, 28(1): 71-94.?Suddaby, R. & Greenwood 2005. Rhetorical Strategies of Legitimacy, Administrative
Science Quarterly, 50: 35-67.?Hambrick & Fredrickson, 2001. Are You Sure You Have a Strategy? Academy of
Management Executive, November.
2 Chapter 2 External analyses: the main issues: 50 words. Industry analysis porter’s 5 forces: 250 words. Conclusions and insights opportunities and threat, vision, mission and values: 150 words.
Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 2
Recommended Reading:
Hambrick, D. & Fredrickson, J. 2005. Are You Sure You Have a Strategy?, Academy of Management Executive, 19 (4): 51-62.
Hamel, G. (1996) ‘Strategy as Revolution’, HBR (July-August)?Hamel, G. and Prahalad, C.K. 1989, ‘Strategic Intent’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 67,
no. 3, p. 63.
Mintzberg, H. 1987. Crafting Strategy, Harvard Business Review [HBR] (July/August): 66- 75 (reprinted in C. A. Montgomery & M. Porter (Ed.) Strategy, Harvard Business School Press.
Mintzberg, H. 1996, Five Ps for Strategy, in The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases, H. Mintzberg, and J. B. Quinn, eds., Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, , pp. 12-19.
Porter, M. E. 2008. The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review (January): 78-93.
Ford, J. A., Steen, J. & Verreynne, M. 2014. How environmental regulations affect innovation in the Australian oil and gas industry: going beyond the Porter hypothesis. Journal of Cleaner Production.
3 Chapter 3 Internal analysis: resource model and associated concepts, and strengths and weaknesses: 450 words
Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 3
Recommended Reading:
Hamel, G. & Prahalad, C.K., 1990. The Core Competence of the Corporation, Harvard Business Review, 68 (3):79-91
Bradfield, R. & van der Heijden, K. 2006. The Role of Scenario Planning in Exploring the Environment in View of the Limitations of PEST and its Derivatives, International Studies of Management and Organisation, 36(3): 50-76.
Lei, D. & Slocum, J. 2005. Strategic and Organisational Requirements for Competitive Advantage, Academy of Management Executive, 19(1): 131-45.
Wang, C.L. & Ahmed, P.K. 2007. Dynamic Capabilities, International Journal of Management Review, 9(1): 31-52.
4 Chapter 4 business level strategies: 450 words
Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 4
Recommended Reading:
Kumar, N. 2006. Strategies to Fight Low Cost Rivals, Harvard Business Review, 84(12): 104-13.
Wan, W.P. & Hoskisson, R.E. 2003. Home Country Environments, Corporate Diversity Strategies and Firm Performance, Academy of Management Journal, 46(1): 27-45.

Sinfield, J. V., E. Calder, B. McConnell and S. Colson. 2012. How to identify new business models. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 85-90.
Zook, C. & J. Allen. 2011. The great repeatable business model: Leveraging a simple formula allows corporations to create new and more-lasting differentiation. Harvard Business Review (November): 106-114.
Gavetti and Rivkin, 2005 How Strategists Really Think, Harvard Business Review, April, pp. 54-63.
Gutterman A.S. 2011. Business Level Strategy (see Moodle). See end of chapter references in Hanson et al P128-130.
5 Chapter 5 recommendation (competitive advantage): 200 words
Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 6
Recommended Reading:
Chakrabarti, A., Singh, K. & Mahmood, I., 2007. Diversification and Performance, Strategic Management Journal, 28: 101-20.
Hamel, G. & Prahalad, C.K., 1990. The Core Competence of the Corporation, Harvard Business Review, 68 (3):79-91
Klein, P.G. & Lien, L.B. 2009. Diversification, Industry Structure and Firm Strategy: An Organizational Economic Perspective, Advances in Strategic Management, Vol 26, 289- 312. (See Moodle)
O’Reilly and Tushman, 2004. The Ambidextrous Organization, Harvard Business Review, April, pp.74-81.
6 conclusion: 150 words
before doing this assignment. Please read the powerpoint and the text book first. Thank you very much.

Topic and question:
Topic: Case Study Analysis: Temple & Webster’s External Environment, Core Competencies and Strategic Choices
Question: First, using the internet and business related literature, research the company, Temple & Webster, an Australian $28 million online destination for homewares. You could begin your search with, http://www.smartcompany.com.au/leadership/45525-how-brian-shanahan- created-temple-webster-a-28-million-online-destination-for-homewares.html
Second, by way of a formal introduction to your formal academic essay (ie not a business report), provide a brief synopsis of the company and the strategic issues and challenges it faces.
Third, in the body of your essay undertake the following analyses:
1.    Temple & Webster’s general external environment. Focus on the most salient elements applicable to Temple & Webster (allocate your words according to the marking criteria). ?
2.    An industry analysis for Temple & Webster. Remember to draw some conclusions or insights about T&W’s external environment and hence its opportunities and threats. For example, what are the industry structure and dynamics? What are the industry trends and the implications of those trends? ?
3.    An internal organisation analysis for Temple & Webster. Again draw insights about its resources, capabilities, core competencies and hence competitive strengths and weaknesses. Also consider the implications for T&W’s vision, mission and values. ?
4.    Identify, discuss and evaluate the business level strategies used by Temple & Webster to compete in the online homewares industry. Consider the risks and benefits associated with those strategies (eg against the forces of competition and why the company has been so successful to date). ?
Note: in undertaking the above analyses be sure to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the relevant core strategic management concepts and theories, as well as your ability to apply them meaningfully to the business case of Temple & Webster. This requires that you undertake a solid literature review and use theory to inform practice and strategy. Guard carefully against undocumented assertions. Be sure to fully reference your work (in-text and end reference list).
Fourth, assume you are a strategic adviser to the owners of Temple & Webster. In light of the issues you identified in the introduction and the analyses you have undertaken, what recommendations would you make to Temple & Webster with regard to developing the company’s competitive advantage for above average returns over the next 5 to 10 years?
Finally, what conclusions can you draw with regard to the relevance of strategic management theory to practice?
Note: You will need more than two (or three) drafts in order to achieve the clarity, consistency, and structure necessary for a graduate level analytical essay. Do not use dot or bullet points. Do not use direct quotes. Be sure to start your essay early and allow time to redraft your essay before its final submission. Your essay must not read like a series of unrelated short answer questions.
Key points to observe
1.    The essay is to be typewritten or word processed. ?Typed essays demonstrate a commitment to academic standards. ?
2.    Type on one side of the page. ?
3.    Leave a generous margin on the left hand side of the page. ?
4.    Always use double spacing. ?
5.    Aim for a simple, clear and direct writing style.
a)    Use one point per sentence. ?
b)    Complete sentences should always be used. ?
c)    Each paragraph should cover only one main idea or a set of closely connected ideas. ?
d)    Headings and sub-headings can be used to make the underlying structure of the analysis clearer. ?
e)    A “chatty” or “journalistic” style should be avoided. The first person (I, we) should be avoided in favour of an impersonal style (the evidence suggests that…) ?
f)    Spelling, grammar and other elements of expression will be considered in the assessment. ?
6.    Avoid many of the problems of poor presentation by drawing up a plan and preparing one or more preliminary drafts before writing the final version of the report. Proof read your final typed version. ?
7.    Use gender neutral language. This is most easily achieved by using the plural form, for example, using “they” instead of “he”. Thus, “A worker faced by new technology may feel that his skills are being devalued” can be re-stated as, “Workers faced by new technology may feel their skills are being devalued.” ?
8.    Appendices to the report should contain any additional information which you regard as important (e.g. graphs, tables, questionnaires). Appendices should be referred to in the text and should be numbered and sequenced in the same order as they appear in the text. ?
9.    Pages should be numbered and the entire report securely stapled. Plastic covers and the like are cumbersome and unnecessary. ?
10.    All sources of information and ideas are to be acknowledged. References in the report should be cited by author and date of publication. ?Example ?Beauchamp and Bowie (2004) suggest …….?OR?It has been suggested (Beauchamp & Bowie, 2004) that …… ?
11.    A reference list must be included on a separate page at the conclusion of your essay. Present the list of references in alphabetical order. In the list of references presented at the end of the essay, cite journal articles and books in the manner of the sample references given below. ?In your reference list, name only those authors that have been referred to in the essay. Do not list any additional reading whose author you have not named in the essay. ?Failure to cite your sources in the body of your essay, along with the absence of an end reference list, will normally lead to a failed grade for your assignment. ?

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Assignment requirement:

Assignment requirement:
You must be read 2 readings (http://www.smartcompany.com.au/leadership/45525-how-brian-shanahan- created-temple-webster-a-28-million-online-destination-for-homewares.html and http://www.brw.com.au/p/entrepreneurs/temple_furniture_smarts_media_onlinline_VFqE8P1qQoAhMfJJqUhuuJ ) and only use this company (Temple & Webster), and then must be write following the below form.

According to this table. You can see there are 6 part:
1 Chapter 1 introduction: 200 words, it should be including the strategic issues and challenges it faces, and statement. Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 1 and pages 416 – 418.
Recommended Reading:
Porter, M. 1996 What is Strategy, Harvard Business Review, Nov-Dec., pp.1-20. (Moodle) Bart, C.K., Bontis, N. & Taggar, S. 2001. A model of the impact of mission statements on
firm performance, Management Decision, vol. 39, no. 1, pp. 19-35.?Davies, W. 2000. Understanding Strategy, Strategy & Leadership, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 25-
30.?Frery, F. 2006 The Fundamental Dimensions of Strategy, MIT Sloan Management
Review, 48(1): 71-5.?Hitt, M., Boyd, B. & Li, D. 2004. The State of Strategic Management Research and a
Vision for the Future, Research Methodology in Strategy and Management, 1: 1-31. Slesky, J., Goes, J. & Baburoglu, E. 2007. Contrasting Perspectives of Strategy Making,
Organisation Studies, 28(1): 71-94.?Suddaby, R. & Greenwood 2005. Rhetorical Strategies of Legitimacy, Administrative
Science Quarterly, 50: 35-67.?Hambrick & Fredrickson, 2001. Are You Sure You Have a Strategy? Academy of
Management Executive, November.
2 Chapter 2 External analyses: the main issues: 50 words. Industry analysis porter’s 5 forces: 250 words. Conclusions and insights opportunities and threat, vision, mission and values: 150 words.
Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 2
Recommended Reading:
Hambrick, D. & Fredrickson, J. 2005. Are You Sure You Have a Strategy?, Academy of Management Executive, 19 (4): 51-62.
Hamel, G. (1996) ‘Strategy as Revolution’, HBR (July-August)?Hamel, G. and Prahalad, C.K. 1989, ‘Strategic Intent’, Harvard Business Review, vol. 67,
no. 3, p. 63.
Mintzberg, H. 1987. Crafting Strategy, Harvard Business Review [HBR] (July/August): 66- 75 (reprinted in C. A. Montgomery & M. Porter (Ed.) Strategy, Harvard Business School Press.
Mintzberg, H. 1996, Five Ps for Strategy, in The Strategy Process: Concepts, Contexts, Cases, H. Mintzberg, and J. B. Quinn, eds., Prentice Hall: Upper Saddle River, NJ, , pp. 12-19.
Porter, M. E. 2008. The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review (January): 78-93.
Ford, J. A., Steen, J. & Verreynne, M. 2014. How environmental regulations affect innovation in the Australian oil and gas industry: going beyond the Porter hypothesis. Journal of Cleaner Production.
3 Chapter 3 Internal analysis: resource model and associated concepts, and strengths and weaknesses: 450 words
Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 3
Recommended Reading:
Hamel, G. & Prahalad, C.K., 1990. The Core Competence of the Corporation, Harvard Business Review, 68 (3):79-91
Bradfield, R. & van der Heijden, K. 2006. The Role of Scenario Planning in Exploring the Environment in View of the Limitations of PEST and its Derivatives, International Studies of Management and Organisation, 36(3): 50-76.
Lei, D. & Slocum, J. 2005. Strategic and Organisational Requirements for Competitive Advantage, Academy of Management Executive, 19(1): 131-45.
Wang, C.L. & Ahmed, P.K. 2007. Dynamic Capabilities, International Journal of Management Review, 9(1): 31-52.
4 Chapter 4 business level strategies: 450 words
Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 4
Recommended Reading:
Kumar, N. 2006. Strategies to Fight Low Cost Rivals, Harvard Business Review, 84(12): 104-13.
Wan, W.P. & Hoskisson, R.E. 2003. Home Country Environments, Corporate Diversity Strategies and Firm Performance, Academy of Management Journal, 46(1): 27-45.

Sinfield, J. V., E. Calder, B. McConnell and S. Colson. 2012. How to identify new business models. MIT Sloan Management Review (Winter): 85-90.
Zook, C. & J. Allen. 2011. The great repeatable business model: Leveraging a simple formula allows corporations to create new and more-lasting differentiation. Harvard Business Review (November): 106-114.
Gavetti and Rivkin, 2005 How Strategists Really Think, Harvard Business Review, April, pp. 54-63.
Gutterman A.S. 2011. Business Level Strategy (see Moodle). See end of chapter references in Hanson et al P128-130.
5 Chapter 5 recommendation (competitive advantage): 200 words
Required Reading:
Hanson et al Chapter 6
Recommended Reading:
Chakrabarti, A., Singh, K. & Mahmood, I., 2007. Diversification and Performance, Strategic Management Journal, 28: 101-20.
Hamel, G. & Prahalad, C.K., 1990. The Core Competence of the Corporation, Harvard Business Review, 68 (3):79-91
Klein, P.G. & Lien, L.B. 2009. Diversification, Industry Structure and Firm Strategy: An Organizational Economic Perspective, Advances in Strategic Management, Vol 26, 289- 312. (See Moodle)
O’Reilly and Tushman, 2004. The Ambidextrous Organization, Harvard Business Review, April, pp.74-81.
6 conclusion: 150 words
before doing this assignment. Please read the powerpoint and the text book first. Thank you very much.

Topic and question:
Topic: Case Study Analysis: Temple & Webster’s External Environment, Core Competencies and Strategic Choices
Question: First, using the internet and business related literature, research the company, Temple & Webster, an Australian $28 million online destination for homewares. You could begin your search with, http://www.smartcompany.com.au/leadership/45525-how-brian-shanahan- created-temple-webster-a-28-million-online-destination-for-homewares.html
Second, by way of a formal introduction to your formal academic essay (ie not a business report), provide a brief synopsis of the company and the strategic issues and challenges it faces.
Third, in the body of your essay undertake the following analyses:
1.    Temple & Webster’s general external environment. Focus on the most salient elements applicable to Temple & Webster (allocate your words according to the marking criteria). ?
2.    An industry analysis for Temple & Webster. Remember to draw some conclusions or insights about T&W’s external environment and hence its opportunities and threats. For example, what are the industry structure and dynamics? What are the industry trends and the implications of those trends? ?
3.    An internal organisation analysis for Temple & Webster. Again draw insights about its resources, capabilities, core competencies and hence competitive strengths and weaknesses. Also consider the implications for T&W’s vision, mission and values. ?
4.    Identify, discuss and evaluate the business level strategies used by Temple & Webster to compete in the online homewares industry. Consider the risks and benefits associated with those strategies (eg against the forces of competition and why the company has been so successful to date). ?
Note: in undertaking the above analyses be sure to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the relevant core strategic management concepts and theories, as well as your ability to apply them meaningfully to the business case of Temple & Webster. This requires that you undertake a solid literature review and use theory to inform practice and strategy. Guard carefully against undocumented assertions. Be sure to fully reference your work (in-text and end reference list).
Fourth, assume you are a strategic adviser to the owners of Temple & Webster. In light of the issues you identified in the introduction and the analyses you have undertaken, what recommendations would you make to Temple & Webster with regard to developing the company’s competitive advantage for above average returns over the next 5 to 10 years?
Finally, what conclusions can you draw with regard to the relevance of strategic management theory to practice?
Note: You will need more than two (or three) drafts in order to achieve the clarity, consistency, and structure necessary for a graduate level analytical essay. Do not use dot or bullet points. Do not use direct quotes. Be sure to start your essay early and allow time to redraft your essay before its final submission. Your essay must not read like a series of unrelated short answer questions.
Key points to observe
1.    The essay is to be typewritten or word processed. ?Typed essays demonstrate a commitment to academic standards. ?
2.    Type on one side of the page. ?
3.    Leave a generous margin on the left hand side of the page. ?
4.    Always use double spacing. ?
5.    Aim for a simple, clear and direct writing style.
a)    Use one point per sentence. ?
b)    Complete sentences should always be used. ?
c)    Each paragraph should cover only one main idea or a set of closely connected ideas. ?
d)    Headings and sub-headings can be used to make the underlying structure of the analysis clearer. ?
e)    A “chatty” or “journalistic” style should be avoided. The first person (I, we) should be avoided in favour of an impersonal style (the evidence suggests that…) ?
f)    Spelling, grammar and other elements of expression will be considered in the assessment. ?
6.    Avoid many of the problems of poor presentation by drawing up a plan and preparing one or more preliminary drafts before writing the final version of the report. Proof read your final typed version. ?
7.    Use gender neutral language. This is most easily achieved by using the plural form, for example, using “they” instead of “he”. Thus, “A worker faced by new technology may feel that his skills are being devalued” can be re-stated as, “Workers faced by new technology may feel their skills are being devalued.” ?
8.    Appendices to the report should contain any additional information which you regard as important (e.g. graphs, tables, questionnaires). Appendices should be referred to in the text and should be numbered and sequenced in the same order as they appear in the text. ?
9.    Pages should be numbered and the entire report securely stapled. Plastic covers and the like are cumbersome and unnecessary. ?
10.    All sources of information and ideas are to be acknowledged. References in the report should be cited by author and date of publication. ?Example ?Beauchamp and Bowie (2004) suggest …….?OR?It has been suggested (Beauchamp & Bowie, 2004) that …… ?
11.    A reference list must be included on a separate page at the conclusion of your essay. Present the list of references in alphabetical order. In the list of references presented at the end of the essay, cite journal articles and books in the manner of the sample references given below. ?In your reference list, name only those authors that have been referred to in the essay. Do not list any additional reading whose author you have not named in the essay. ?Failure to cite your sources in the body of your essay, along with the absence of an end reference list, will normally lead to a failed grade for your assignment. ?

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