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Assignment front sheet

Qualification Unit number and title
Pearson BTEC Higher National Certificate in construction QCF Level 4 Unit 2 – Science and Materials for Construction and the Built Environment

Student name Assessor name

Date issued Completion date Submitted on

Assignment title Assignment 3:
Understand the properties and use of construction materials

Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: Task no.
(Page no)
LO 1 Understand the properties and use of construction materials P1.1 Describe the properties of construction materials

P1.2 Evaluate the properties and uses of construction materials
Justify the specification of construction materials regarding their performance in use

P3.2 discuss the methods used to integrate building services into the overall building design

Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
Student signature: Date:
Assignment brief
Unit number and title Unit 2 – Science and Materials for Construction and the Built Environment

Qualification Pearson BTEC Higher National Certificate in construction QCF Level 5
Start date 15/7/2015
Deadline/hand-in 17/8/2015

Assignment title Assignment 3
Understand the properties and use of construction materials and how integrate building services into the overall building design
Purpose of this assignment
Develop an understanding of concrete and the effects of poor quality control also to evaluate the use of different materials used as a structural member.

In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades
Merit grade
descriptors indicative characteristics
In order to achieve a merit the learner must: The learner’s evidence show for this assignment , Contextualised
M1 identify and apply
strategies to find
appropriate solutions
select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques a range of sources of information has been used Within task 1 and 2 of this assignment there is an opportunity to show a range of different public and professional organisational data
? complex information/data has been synthesised and processed Within task 3 of this assignment there is an opportunity to show how you have processed complex information and data in order to provide your report

M3 present and
appropriate findings ? the appropriate structure and approach has been used There is an opportunity throughout this assignment to show how an appropriate structure and approach has been used your reports
? a range of methods of presentation have been used and technical language has been accurately used
When responding to task 3 it will be important to ensure that any rule of thumb is associated with an iso standard measurement

Distinction grade
descriptors indicative characteristics

Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions
? conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified Within the task set there will be an opportunity to provide a detailed conclusion with a critical reflection
On each of your reports
Take responsibility for
managing and
organising activities ? substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organised Within task three the will be an opportunity to show depth of investigation as well as planning
creative thinking ? Effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar contexts. Within task three the will be an opportunity to show Effective thinking.

Task 1 (P1.1)
The use of materials in construction has changed over the years, look the list below and prepare a table indicating where and how they are used in building industry example below:
Metals and alloys eg iron, steel, zinc, copper, brass, aluminium, lead;
Timber and timber products;
Clay products eg bricks, tiles;
Cements and concretes;
Plastics and other artificial materials;
Coatings and finishes eg paints, clear finishes, wood treatments

materials Internal External historical Other

Periodic symbol: Cu.
Density: 8930kg/m3 . Melting point: 1083°C.
Thermal expansion: 0.0168mm/m/°C (20-100°).
Tensile strength: 210 – 240 N/mm2 (soft – half hard).
Hot and cold water pipework
Varying diameters from 10-50mm. and a thickness of 0.5mm

Calorifier, hot water cylinders

Electrical and electronic cabling.

Roof and cladding finish
The copper is rolled to thicknesses ranging between 0.5 and 1.0mm (1.5 – 3.0mm for curtain walling) but a 0.6 – 0.7mm thickness is usually used for roofing. Allowing for seaming, 1m2 of copper roof weighs approximately 6.5kg.
Use of copper pipe in the Domestic housing market has been replaced plastic pipework

This market still exists although limited

cladding finish
have increased with use of lightweight building systems Also used as decorative finishes
Cooking vessels

Copper has also been used in the past for
Waterproofing of boats.

Task 2a (P1.2)
From the materials above create a table to identifying the following properties and provide data where relevant

Porosity and water absorption,
Thermal and moisture movement,
Thermal conductivity/resistivity,
Electrical conductivity/resistivity,
Specific heat capacity,

Task 2b
Rate which property are most important to material, discuss if necessary to clarify your rating
Task 3 (1.3)

Outline the use of construction material in the housing industry from the 1940 to the 1960
Comparing them with use of construction material 1970 to the 1990
And final what changes have been made in the last fifteen years

For each period identify the main driving forces behind each of construction period
Including any legislation or social events which you may feel relevant to your report. As well as details of the standard construction materials of the day (roof, walls, doors and window materials)

As a guideline the following topics are suggested for inclusion in your report.
Energy efficiency
Environmental issues
Use of renewable resources
Task 4 (3.2)
Integrate building services

With respect to the services required to a UK commercial project, outline the utility services you would expect to find and identifying a rule of thumb as to capacity/sizes for the attached three story office block.
Reference should be made to the building regulations were appropriate others sources of information such as the BSRIA and CIBSE
End of Assignment.

You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Assignment front sheet

Qualification Unit number and title
Pearson BTEC Higher National Certificate in construction QCF Level 4 Unit 2 – Science and Materials for Construction and the Built Environment

Student name Assessor name

Date issued Completion date Submitted on

Assignment title Assignment 3:
Understand the properties and use of construction materials

Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: Task no.
(Page no)
LO 1 Understand the properties and use of construction materials P1.1 Describe the properties of construction materials

P1.2 Evaluate the properties and uses of construction materials
Justify the specification of construction materials regarding their performance in use

P3.2 discuss the methods used to integrate building services into the overall building design

Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
Student signature: Date:
Assignment brief
Unit number and title Unit 2 – Science and Materials for Construction and the Built Environment

Qualification Pearson BTEC Higher National Certificate in construction QCF Level 5
Start date 15/7/2015
Deadline/hand-in 17/8/2015

Assignment title Assignment 3
Understand the properties and use of construction materials and how integrate building services into the overall building design
Purpose of this assignment
Develop an understanding of concrete and the effects of poor quality control also to evaluate the use of different materials used as a structural member.

In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades
Merit grade
descriptors indicative characteristics
In order to achieve a merit the learner must: The learner’s evidence show for this assignment , Contextualised
M1 identify and apply
strategies to find
appropriate solutions
select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques a range of sources of information has been used Within task 1 and 2 of this assignment there is an opportunity to show a range of different public and professional organisational data
? complex information/data has been synthesised and processed Within task 3 of this assignment there is an opportunity to show how you have processed complex information and data in order to provide your report

M3 present and
appropriate findings ? the appropriate structure and approach has been used There is an opportunity throughout this assignment to show how an appropriate structure and approach has been used your reports
? a range of methods of presentation have been used and technical language has been accurately used
When responding to task 3 it will be important to ensure that any rule of thumb is associated with an iso standard measurement

Distinction grade
descriptors indicative characteristics

Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions
? conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified Within the task set there will be an opportunity to provide a detailed conclusion with a critical reflection
On each of your reports
Take responsibility for
managing and
organising activities ? substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organised Within task three the will be an opportunity to show depth of investigation as well as planning
creative thinking ? Effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar contexts. Within task three the will be an opportunity to show Effective thinking.

Task 1 (P1.1)
The use of materials in construction has changed over the years, look the list below and prepare a table indicating where and how they are used in building industry example below:
Metals and alloys eg iron, steel, zinc, copper, brass, aluminium, lead;
Timber and timber products;
Clay products eg bricks, tiles;
Cements and concretes;
Plastics and other artificial materials;
Coatings and finishes eg paints, clear finishes, wood treatments

materials Internal External historical Other

Periodic symbol: Cu.
Density: 8930kg/m3 . Melting point: 1083°C.
Thermal expansion: 0.0168mm/m/°C (20-100°).
Tensile strength: 210 – 240 N/mm2 (soft – half hard).
Hot and cold water pipework
Varying diameters from 10-50mm. and a thickness of 0.5mm

Calorifier, hot water cylinders

Electrical and electronic cabling.

Roof and cladding finish
The copper is rolled to thicknesses ranging between 0.5 and 1.0mm (1.5 – 3.0mm for curtain walling) but a 0.6 – 0.7mm thickness is usually used for roofing. Allowing for seaming, 1m2 of copper roof weighs approximately 6.5kg.
Use of copper pipe in the Domestic housing market has been replaced plastic pipework

This market still exists although limited

cladding finish
have increased with use of lightweight building systems Also used as decorative finishes
Cooking vessels

Copper has also been used in the past for
Waterproofing of boats.

Task 2a (P1.2)
From the materials above create a table to identifying the following properties and provide data where relevant

Porosity and water absorption,
Thermal and moisture movement,
Thermal conductivity/resistivity,
Electrical conductivity/resistivity,
Specific heat capacity,

Task 2b
Rate which property are most important to material, discuss if necessary to clarify your rating
Task 3 (1.3)

Outline the use of construction material in the housing industry from the 1940 to the 1960
Comparing them with use of construction material 1970 to the 1990
And final what changes have been made in the last fifteen years

For each period identify the main driving forces behind each of construction period
Including any legislation or social events which you may feel relevant to your report. As well as details of the standard construction materials of the day (roof, walls, doors and window materials)

As a guideline the following topics are suggested for inclusion in your report.
Energy efficiency
Environmental issues
Use of renewable resources
Task 4 (3.2)
Integrate building services

With respect to the services required to a UK commercial project, outline the utility services you would expect to find and identifying a rule of thumb as to capacity/sizes for the attached three story office block.
Reference should be made to the building regulations were appropriate others sources of information such as the BSRIA and CIBSE
End of Assignment.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

Assignment front sheet

Qualification Unit number and title
Pearson BTEC Higher National Certificate in construction QCF Level 4 Unit 2 – Science and Materials for Construction and the Built Environment

Student name Assessor name

Date issued Completion date Submitted on

Assignment title Assignment 3:
Understand the properties and use of construction materials

Learning Outcome
Learning Outcome Assessment Criteria In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: Task no.
(Page no)
LO 1 Understand the properties and use of construction materials P1.1 Describe the properties of construction materials

P1.2 Evaluate the properties and uses of construction materials
Justify the specification of construction materials regarding their performance in use

P3.2 discuss the methods used to integrate building services into the overall building design

Learner declaration
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own and research sources are fully acknowledged.
Student signature: Date:
Assignment brief
Unit number and title Unit 2 – Science and Materials for Construction and the Built Environment

Qualification Pearson BTEC Higher National Certificate in construction QCF Level 5
Start date 15/7/2015
Deadline/hand-in 17/8/2015

Assignment title Assignment 3
Understand the properties and use of construction materials and how integrate building services into the overall building design
Purpose of this assignment
Develop an understanding of concrete and the effects of poor quality control also to evaluate the use of different materials used as a structural member.

In addition to the above PASS criteria, this assignment gives you the opportunity to submit evidence in order to achieve the following MERIT and DISTINCTION grades
Merit grade
descriptors indicative characteristics
In order to achieve a merit the learner must: The learner’s evidence show for this assignment , Contextualised
M1 identify and apply
strategies to find
appropriate solutions
select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques a range of sources of information has been used Within task 1 and 2 of this assignment there is an opportunity to show a range of different public and professional organisational data
? complex information/data has been synthesised and processed Within task 3 of this assignment there is an opportunity to show how you have processed complex information and data in order to provide your report

M3 present and
appropriate findings ? the appropriate structure and approach has been used There is an opportunity throughout this assignment to show how an appropriate structure and approach has been used your reports
? a range of methods of presentation have been used and technical language has been accurately used
When responding to task 3 it will be important to ensure that any rule of thumb is associated with an iso standard measurement

Distinction grade
descriptors indicative characteristics

Use critical reflection to evaluate own work and justify valid conclusions
? conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been justified Within the task set there will be an opportunity to provide a detailed conclusion with a critical reflection
On each of your reports
Take responsibility for
managing and
organising activities ? substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organised Within task three the will be an opportunity to show depth of investigation as well as planning
creative thinking ? Effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar contexts. Within task three the will be an opportunity to show Effective thinking.

Task 1 (P1.1)
The use of materials in construction has changed over the years, look the list below and prepare a table indicating where and how they are used in building industry example below:
Metals and alloys eg iron, steel, zinc, copper, brass, aluminium, lead;
Timber and timber products;
Clay products eg bricks, tiles;
Cements and concretes;
Plastics and other artificial materials;
Coatings and finishes eg paints, clear finishes, wood treatments

materials Internal External historical Other

Periodic symbol: Cu.
Density: 8930kg/m3 . Melting point: 1083°C.
Thermal expansion: 0.0168mm/m/°C (20-100°).
Tensile strength: 210 – 240 N/mm2 (soft – half hard).
Hot and cold water pipework
Varying diameters from 10-50mm. and a thickness of 0.5mm

Calorifier, hot water cylinders

Electrical and electronic cabling.

Roof and cladding finish
The copper is rolled to thicknesses ranging between 0.5 and 1.0mm (1.5 – 3.0mm for curtain walling) but a 0.6 – 0.7mm thickness is usually used for roofing. Allowing for seaming, 1m2 of copper roof weighs approximately 6.5kg.
Use of copper pipe in the Domestic housing market has been replaced plastic pipework

This market still exists although limited

cladding finish
have increased with use of lightweight building systems Also used as decorative finishes
Cooking vessels

Copper has also been used in the past for
Waterproofing of boats.

Task 2a (P1.2)
From the materials above create a table to identifying the following properties and provide data where relevant

Porosity and water absorption,
Thermal and moisture movement,
Thermal conductivity/resistivity,
Electrical conductivity/resistivity,
Specific heat capacity,

Task 2b
Rate which property are most important to material, discuss if necessary to clarify your rating
Task 3 (1.3)

Outline the use of construction material in the housing industry from the 1940 to the 1960
Comparing them with use of construction material 1970 to the 1990
And final what changes have been made in the last fifteen years

For each period identify the main driving forces behind each of construction period
Including any legislation or social events which you may feel relevant to your report. As well as details of the standard construction materials of the day (roof, walls, doors and window materials)

As a guideline the following topics are suggested for inclusion in your report.
Energy efficiency
Environmental issues
Use of renewable resources
Task 4 (3.2)
Integrate building services

With respect to the services required to a UK commercial project, outline the utility services you would expect to find and identifying a rule of thumb as to capacity/sizes for the attached three story office block.
Reference should be made to the building regulations were appropriate others sources of information such as the BSRIA and CIBSE
End of Assignment.

Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.
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