Write a literary analysis on three (3) or more of the following poems:
Lisa Parker’ s “Snapping Beans”
Robert Hayden’ s “Those Winter Sundays”
John Updike’ s “Dog’ s Death”
Elizabeth Bishop’ s “Manners”
Randall Jarrell’ s “The Death of the Ball Turret Gunner”
Colette Inez’ s “Back When All was Continuous Chuckles”
Katherine Howd Machan’ s “Hazel Tells Laverne”
William Carlos Williams’ “Poem”
Walt Whitman’ s “Cavalry Crossing a Ford”
Matthew Arnold’ s “Dover Beach”
William Shakespeare’ s “From Macbeth (Act V, Scene V)”
Margaret Atwood’ s “You Fit into Me”
Dylan Thomas’ s “The Hand that Signed the Paper”
Robert Frost’ s “Acquainted with the Night”
Edgar Allen Poe’ s “The Haunted Palace”
Edwin Arlington Robinson’ s “Richard Cory”
Anonymous “Scarborough Fair”
Emily Dickinson’ s “A Bird Came Down the Walk”
Gerard Manley Hopkins’ “God’ s Grandeur”
William Wordsworth’ s “My Heart Leaps Up”
Timothy Steele’ s “Waiting for the Storm”
William Butler Yeats’ “That the Night Come”
John Keats’ “On First Looking into Chapman’ s Homer”
Sherman Alexie’ s “The Facebook Sonnet”
Mark Jarman’ s “Unholy Sonnet”
Walt Whitman’ s “From ‘ I Sing the Body Electric’”
Natasha Trethewey’ s “On Captivity”
Donald Justice’ s “Order in the Streets”
Analyze the elements of poetry (i.e. symbolism, patterns of rhythm, poetic form, etc.) as they pertain to the poems of your choice. Be sure to focus on the following:
How the author uses the element(s) of poetry in the story
Whether or not the author uses each of these elements effectively (be sure to support your opinion with details from the story)\
Where and how does the author’ s personal background influence the elements included in their stories?
Pay particular attention to connecting your ideas throughout the essay. Support your statements with evidence taken directly from your chosen poems.