In this course you will be presented with information about auditing and issues facing auditors in a variety of formats-ranging from interesting and stimulating lectures by the professor to training materials created by Big-4 auditing firms. However, these formats generally lack an essential attention-keeping device—a plot. In an attempt to overcome this shortcoming, you will be asked to select one of the “Choose One” books listed below,
The Big R: A Forensic Accounting Action Adventure 2nd Edition, Crumbley, Ziegenfuss, and O’Shaughnessy, Carolina Academic Press, ISBN 1-59460-528-9
The Number: How the Drive for Quarterly Earnings Corrupted Wall Street and Corporate America, Berenson, Random House, ISBN 0-8129-6625-2
Trap Doors and Trojan Horses, Crumbley, Smith and Delaune, Thomas Horton and Daughters, ISBN 978-1594606960
The Auditor: An Instructional Novella, Loebbecke, Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-13-079976-9
(no more than three pages). The main purpose of the report is to prove that you read the book. It should consist of a brief synopsis of the main point of the book, but the majority of the report should describe what you learned.
Because written communication is an essential part of auditing, your grade will be based in part on your writing. So, pay attention to your writing. Your written report, which should not exceed three pages.