Complete Exercises 16 and 17 in Statistics for Nursing Research: A Workbook for Evidence-Based Practice, and submit as directed by the instructor.
Assignment # 3

Assignment 3

Please answer each assignment as completely as possible. Use specific
examples to illustrate your points, and be sure to use proper citations for
every idea, whether quoted or paraphrased, that is not your own.Your answers to each question should be no more than four typed, double-spaced pages
1. Discuss the following anxiety disorders: specific and social. What is
agoraphobia? How is it related to panic attacks?
2. Explain the following types of anxiety disorders: generalized anxiety
disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder.
3. Briefly describe each of the somatoform disorders: hypochondriasis,
somatization disorder, pain disorder, conversion disorder, and body
dysmorphic disorder.
4. Describe the dissociative disorders: depersonalization disorder,
dissociative amnesia and fugue, and dissociative identity disorder.