Informed consent is an integral part of the counseling process, regardless of setting, and indicates approval by a client to participate in counseling. In order for the consent to be informed, the client must first achieve a clear understanding of the relevant facts, risks and benefits, and available alternatives involved. This assignment will help counselors understand what needs to be included in an informed consent form as well as how this form can be one of many essential risk management tools counselors can use to ensure adherence to ethical codes and practice procedures.Tasks:In a 4- to 5-page paper, respond to the following: Using current ethical and legal standards, specifically the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics (ACA, 2014) and legal requirements of your state, territory, or district, develop an informed consent form that you could use in actual practice (either private or community based). Customize the form to work with an adult client who comes to you for assistance with suicidal ideation, a history of depression, and an extensive history of seeking professional counseling. Create your own form from scratch. Do not cut and paste an existing form or use one from another organization or that you found on the internet.
In addition to the form, summarize when during the counseling process you would use this form and the specific ethical and legal standards you addressed in the creation of the form. Clearly explain why you included each section or item in the document. Be sure to address multicultural and ethical considerations you need to consider when developing and using this form, collaboration with other professionals, and relevant laws in your state (e.g., mandated reporting laws for the state in which you practice).
Finally, discuss how this informed consent document fits into your personal model for ethical practice. In addition, what other risk management strategies should you take as a professional counselor to ensure ethical practice?Your final product will be in a Microsoft Word document and be approximately 45 pages in length (including the consent form). The informed consent should be approximately 23 pages. Your form and supplemental information should be organized in a clear, concise, and organized manner; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.Portfolio RequirementAs a student in the CMHC program, you are required to create a portfolio documenting both your academic work and professional activities completed during the program. The informed consent form is an appropriate piece of evidence to add to your portfolio.Reference:American Counseling Association. (2014). 2014 ACA code of ethics. Alexandria, VA: Author. Retrieved from docs/ethics/2014-aca-code-of-ethics.pdf?sfvrsn=4
Assignment 2: Informed Consent