Assessment Guidelines
Formative Assessment
Literature search process and critical methodological appraisal of one primary research paper.
Word Allocation: 750 words. Submission: 9am 10th/12th Nov (Week 8) via TurnItIn, GCU Learn
This formative assessment provides students with the opportunity to practice their skills developed during the module, as well as providing feedback to indicate their understanding of key issues. Although submission of the formative assessment is compulsory, it is not graded and does not count towards the final summative mark awarded for the module.
The purpose of this assessment is to practice your;
• •? literature searching skills
• •? ability to read and synthesize key literature
• •? academic writing and referencing skills
•?The title for this assessment should reflect the wider topic you wish to focus on for your protocol.
•?State your research questions or aims/objectives. These can be ‘in progress’ and do not need to be your final question.
Literature Search Process (500 words)
Clearly describe the process for searching out relevant literature to include:
• •? databases used in search
• •? combination of key words and limits employed
• •? number of hits identified in search using your keywords/limits combination, in a table
• •? details of any manual searches performed to identify grey literature
• •? describe the key studies found (e.g. topic area and references)
• •? you should not actually critically appraise the body of evidence you find
Critical Methodological Appraisal of one chosen primary research article (250 words)
Select one primary research study resulting from your literature search. Summarise the aim of the study in 1-2 sentences.
Focusing on the methodology of this research paper, critically appraise the
o Approach o Sampling o Analytical process o Design o Method adopted
Summarise the methodological adequacy of this paper based on your critique.
You may go no more than 10% over the total word limit for this assessment.
Formative Assessment Presentation and Submission
The Formative Assessment should be submitted to TurnItIn. You do not need to submit a hard (printed) copy of this assignment. You should follow the presentation guidelines for the Summative Assessment later in this handbook.
Assessment Guidelines

Assessment Guidelines

Assessment Guidelines
Formative Assessment
Literature search process and critical methodological appraisal of one primary research paper.
Word Allocation: 750 words. Submission: 9am 10th/12th Nov (Week 8) via TurnItIn, GCU Learn
This formative assessment provides students with the opportunity to practice their skills developed during the module, as well as providing feedback to indicate their understanding of key issues. Although submission of the formative assessment is compulsory, it is not graded and does not count towards the final summative mark awarded for the module.
The purpose of this assessment is to practice your;
• •? literature searching skills
• •? ability to read and synthesize key literature
• •? academic writing and referencing skills
•?The title for this assessment should reflect the wider topic you wish to focus on for your protocol.
•?State your research questions or aims/objectives. These can be ‘in progress’ and do not need to be your final question.
Literature Search Process (500 words)
Clearly describe the process for searching out relevant literature to include:
• •? databases used in search
• •? combination of key words and limits employed
• •? number of hits identified in search using your keywords/limits combination, in a table
• •? details of any manual searches performed to identify grey literature
• •? describe the key studies found (e.g. topic area and references)
• •? you should not actually critically appraise the body of evidence you find
Critical Methodological Appraisal of one chosen primary research article (250 words)
Select one primary research study resulting from your literature search. Summarise the aim of the study in 1-2 sentences.
Focusing on the methodology of this research paper, critically appraise the
o Approach o Sampling o Analytical process o Design o Method adopted
Summarise the methodological adequacy of this paper based on your critique.
You may go no more than 10% over the total word limit for this assessment.
Formative Assessment Presentation and Submission
The Formative Assessment should be submitted to TurnItIn. You do not need to submit a hard (printed) copy of this assignment. You should follow the presentation guidelines for the Summative Assessment later in this handbook.