Many approaches need to be applied to motivate and engage learners and to help them learn and retain content. Meaningful learning is not arbitrary as it relates to previously gained information. Helping a student to organize new information and connect it to previous knowledge can make new material meaningful, and possibly bring about improved academic performance. Several strategies can be taught to help make learning more meaningful by demonstrating the value of it. These strategies include:
In this Activity, you will focus on how to structure assessments. Although standardized tests must often be used as assessment tools, within the classroom authentic assessments can provide other valuable ways of determining what students know. When instruction is adapted to conform to the theory of MI, styles, etc., it follows that assessment should be similarly adapted. It would certainly be the height of hypocrisy to ask students to participate in a wide range of multispectrum experiences in all eight intelligences and then require them to show what theyve learned through standardized tests that focus narrowly on linguistic or logical-mathematical intelligences (Armstrong, 2009, p. 130).For this task, you will assess the value of using assessment techniques that mirror real life experiences and contrast those assessment techniques with the high-stakes standardized testing in place. Is there room for both kinds of assessment in your classroom or your curriculum? What specific strategies can you employ as the teacher to strike a balance for your students?Length: 5-7 pages, excluding title page
References: A minimum of 3-5 references required
Assessment Choices