Asian American – Korean StudiesRequirements:
? Your essays should reflect, insofar as possible, your own ideas, analyses, etc.
? You should only rely primarily on the works assigned in class. (Do not use outside
? Identify the overall themes among the various articles as well as the lecture slides.
? Grasp main arguments and research findings of each author. (Remember: Without having
a clear understanding of the main points, it is fruitless to memorize particular facts or
? Make sure to find out what you are asked to answer; to describe, explain, compare,
contrast, analyze, evaluate, and argue, etc.
? It is critical to include a brief thesis statement, followed with specifics to support your
? Draft your essay by supporting your thesis statement with specific, relevant evidences.
Make sure logical transitions are included.
? It is crucial to demonstrate a very good overall understanding, but be specific with details.
? If a specific example is used, make sure you explain it.
? Do not forget to make references.
? You must cite and also use quotation marks especially when you quote directly from a
? Cite in text: (Author, page #, paragraph #)
? MLA format, 2 pages
? Question should be answered in essay form.
Question #2 (24 points):
A. Drawing upon my lecture slides on Educational Practices, in particular the “cultural model” of
Korean Americans, how do Korean American family and community emphasize the educational
performance and career choice of college students. Provide concrete examples of such practices.
B. Drawing upon Lew’s article: “The ‘Other’ Story of Model Minorities,” explain why there is a
wide range in educational experience among Korean American youth.
Asian American – Korean Studies