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Asia Pacific business

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Question: How important has government direction and policy been in the economic develpment and export success in countries of the Asia Pacific Region.Guidance: In considering this question you should focus entirely on the material covered in this unit on Vietnam, Technology Policy, ASEAN, India and China.You must use those 6 references:
Beresford, M 2008, Doi Moi in Review: The Challenges of Building Market Socialism in Vietnam, Journal Of Contemporary Asia, 38, 2, pp. 221-243.
Athukorala, P, & Tien, T 2012, Foreign direct investment in industrial transition: the experience of Vietnam, Journal Of The Asia Pacific Economy, 17, 3, pp. 446-463.
Lall, S, & Teubal, M 1998, `Market-Stimulating Technology Policies in Developing Countries: A Framework with Examples from.., World Development, 26, 8, p. 1369.
Makino, S, & Beamish, P 1998, Local ownership restrictions, entry mode choice, and FDI performance: Japanese overseas.., Asia Pacific Journal Of Management, 15, 2, p. 119.
Green, P 2007, ?Bridging the ASEAN Development Divide a regional overview?, ASEAN Economic Bulletin,24, 1, p. 15-34.
Ding, L 2005, Responses to Globalization from a Big Transition Economy: The Case of China, Global Economic Review, 34, 4, pp. 435-452.
A reflective maker is a short written piece of assessment that aims to encourage students to engage in an analytical manner with set material from the course. This is a chance for students to reflect on information, ideas and concepts and then provide an original written response. This assessment piece assists in the development of a strong authorial voice and an original analytical approach to a student?s written work. Students must reference the course material used to develop his/her response to the question. As this is a reflective piece of work, students may use the ?first person? structure in his/her written work. Students will then be expected to develop a reflective response to the question in 1200 words.Marking CriteriaEvidence of reading relevant material provided in the course content.Evidence of understanding of the question asked.Discussion and critical analysis of relevant concepts, theories and issues.Logical arrangement of material relevant to question asked, reflecting an understanding of the issues and the relationships between elements of the subject.Use of relevant facts or empirical information to develop and substantiate critical analysis and argument.Clarity and correctness of writing, (e.g. grammar, punctuation and spelling).Proper referencing, acknowledgement and citation of sources. You must use the Harvard style referencing system.Correct reference list provided at the end of the paper in alphabetical order by each author?s surname.You need to adhere to the prescribed word count. Students may utilise the 10% rule, whereby the final word count can be 10% under or over the prescribed word count. Reflective Markers that provide a word count that is under or over the prescribed word count once the 10% rule has been applied will be subject to a reduction in marks. One (1) mark will be deducted for every 100 words that fall outside the acceptable minimum or maximum final word count.
The reflective marker needs to provide evidence of your engagement with the readings and other material of this unit. You should not merely use the internet to gather a range of opinion on the topic. Work that reflects this kind of approach may receive a fail grade.

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Asia Pacific Business

Asia Pacific Business
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Assignment Question 1

Do multinationals from Taiwan possess unique capabilities that make them particularly effective as competitors in international markets?

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Asia Pacific Business

Asia Pacific Business
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Assignment Question 1

Do multinationals from Taiwan possess unique capabilities that make them particularly effective as competitors in international markets?

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