As a result of a new manufacturing process, the Hi-Jinx Chemical Company is generating a new waste stream. The waste has the following properties: pH = 10; flashpoint = 75ºF; high concentrations of Cd and Cr (exceeds TCLP limits); approximately 2500 lb/mos. Based on the waste alone, is the generator a LQG, SQG, or CESQG? Must the generator comply with DOT regulations for packaging the wastes and placarding the vehicles? For how long can the generator stockpile waste on-site without a permit? Is there a requirement for the submission of a written emergency response plan to the state environmental agency? Is the waste generated corrosive, ignitable or toxic? Can the waste be stored in a single-lined tank on premises? To what type of facility (e.g. state-approved, EPA-approved) must the waste be shipped for final disposal?
As a result of a new manufacturing process, the Hi-Jinx Chemical Company is generating a new waste stream.