Read the attached article and address the following in a 2 page paper: A. Describe the purpose/aims of the study. B. Note the theory/ evidence-based intervention/or policy being applied; also note whether the author’s use of theory is explicit or implicit and briefly explain why. Identify the key concepts. Are their definitions clear? Do they fit with the theoretical framework provided? C. Describe the methodology (sample, design, analytic strategy) employed. Does the method fit with the theoretical framework? – consider the type of sample selected, the types of variables included, the approach to data collection and analysis. Are the key variables, and their operationalization, what you expected based on the introduction?If the analysis is sophisticated, does the author do a good job tutoring the reader so you can appreciate the analytic approach? D. Describe the key findings of the study. Overall, what does this study contribute to basic and/or applied knowledge? E. What are the key limitations and implications for practice of the study? – note those mentioned by the author as well as additional limitations and implications you observed (make sure to distinguish between the limitations/implications you identify and those identified by the authors). F. What do you think are some good next steps/good questions to ask for future research? This paper should be in APA format. Please answer each bullet thoroughly and clearly. This paper needs to be in APA format (Double spaced, 12 font Times New Roman, Reference page, and Citations) Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 2014, 21, 642-651 Practitioners’ experiences of working with families with complex needs A. REUPERT1 PhD 85 D. MAYBERY2 PhD 1Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Clayton, and ZAssociate Professor, Department of Rural and Indigenous Health, Faculty of Medicine and Nursing, Monash University, Moe, Vic., Australia Keywords: complex families, drug Accessible summary abuse, parental mental illness 0 While there is emerging evidence for family sensitive practice, few practitioners Correspondence: employ this approach. A’ Reupert 0 Over 2 years, practitioners were invited to identify the problems and the successful Faculty of Education Monasl) University strategies experienced when working w1th families where a parent, w1th dependent Clayton children, has a substance and/or mental illness disorder. Vic. 3800 0 Problems were found related to working With multiple agenc1es, multiple family Australia problems and high staff turnover. E-mail: andrea.reupert@monasl) O Practitioners found several strategies to be effective; working in a strength-based manner, establishing clearly defined and negotiated goals, and balancing the someAccepted for publication: 31 January 2014 times competing needs of children and parents. doi: 10.1111/jpm.12149 Abstract Even though employing a family-sensitive approach has been shown to be beneficial for parents and children, there is sporadic uptake of this approach. This paper focuses on practitioners’ perspectives when working with families where a parent, with dependent children, has a mental illness and/or substance abuse disorder. The aim of this research is twofold: (1) identify the issues practitioners face when working with families with complex needs; and (2) present the strategies they find to be effective in addressing family needs. Within the context of an organization that supported a family-sensitive approach, this study reports on 21 semi-structured interviews conducted over 15 months with 10 practitioners, as well as three focus group interviews with the same staff. Employing a qualitative framework, data highlighted the multifaceted nature of family problems, issues working with multiple agencies and problems associated with staff turnover. Successful strategies included working with the family on clearly defined and negotiated goals, focusing on family strengths and employing specific skills such as managing the sometimes competing needs of children and parents. There is an increasing awareness that many clients of drug mentation advice, which might potentially inform family and alcohol as well as mental health agencies have depend- sensitive practice (Reupert 8C Maybery 2008). This paper ent children in their care (Maybery et al. 2009a,b, Marsh presents the perspectives of practitioners when working 10/6/2015 ACADEMIC ASSISTER’S BLOG 26/26 85 Smith 2011, Reupert et al. 2012). Acknowledging the with complex families and, in particular, implementation needs of clients’ children and a client’s parenting respon- problems when delivering a family approach and those sibilities are crucial to stop the intergenerational transmis- strategies they find to be the most effective. sion of mental illness and substance abuse (Nicholson et al. A significant number of clients of adult mental health 2007). At the same time, there is little in the way of imple- services as well as substance abuse agencies have dependent 642 © 2014 John Wiley 8C Sons Ltd

Article Dissection 3

Article Dissection 3
Read the attached article and address the following in a 2 page paper: A. Describe the purpose/aims of the study. B. Note the theory/ evidence-based intervention/or policy being applied; also note whether the author’s use of theory is explicit or implicit and briefly explain why. Identify the key concepts. Are their definitions clear? Do they fit with the theoretical framework provided? C. Describe the methodology (sample, design, analytic strategy) employed. Does the method fit with the theoretical framework? – consider the type of sample selected, the types of variables included, the approach to data collection and analysis. Are the key variables, and their operationalization, what you expected based on the introduction? If the analysis is sophisticated, does the author do a good job tutoring the reader so you can appreciate the analytic approach? D. Describe the key findings of the study. Overall, what does this study contribute to basic and/or applied knowledge? E. What are the key limitations and implications for practice of the study? – note those mentioned by the author as well as additional limitations and implications you observed (make sure to distinguish between the limitations/implications you identify and those identified by the authors). F. What do you think are some good next steps/good questions to ask for future research? This paper should be in APA format. Please answer each bullet thoroughly and clearly. This paper needs to be in APA format (Double spaced, 12 font Times New Roman, Reference page, and Citations)
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 2014, 21, 642-651
Practitioners’ experiences of working with families with
complex needs
1Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Clayton, and ZAssociate Professor, Department of
Rural and Indigenous Health, Faculty of Medicine and Nursing, Monash University, Moe, Vic., Australia
Keywords: complex families, drug Accessible summary
abuse, parental mental illness
0 While there is emerging evidence for family sensitive practice, few practitioners
Correspondence: employ this approach.
A’ Reupert 0 Over 2 years, practitioners were invited to identify the problems and the successful
Faculty of Education
Monasl) University strategies experienced when working w1th families where a parent, w1th dependent
Clayton children, has a substance and/or mental illness disorder.
Vic. 3800 0 Problems were found related to working With multiple agenc1es, multiple family
Australia problems and high staff turnover.
E-mail: andrea.reupert@monasl) O Practitioners found several strategies to be effective; working in a strength-based
manner, establishing clearly defined and negotiated goals, and balancing the some-
Accepted for publication: 31 January
2014 times competing needs of children and parents.
doi: 10.1111/jpm.12149 Abstract
Even though employing a family-sensitive approach has been shown to be beneficial
for parents and children, there is sporadic uptake of this approach. This paper focuses
on practitioners’ perspectives when working with families where a parent, with
dependent children, has a mental illness and/or substance abuse disorder. The aim of
this research is twofold: (1) identify the issues practitioners face when working with
families with complex needs; and (2) present the strategies they find to be effective in
addressing family needs. Within the context of an organization that supported a
family-sensitive approach, this study reports on 21 semi-structured interviews con-
ducted over 15 months with 10 practitioners, as well as three focus group interviews
with the same staff. Employing a qualitative framework, data highlighted the multi-
faceted nature of family problems, issues working with multiple agencies and prob-
lems associated with staff turnover. Successful strategies included working with the
family on clearly defined and negotiated goals, focusing on family strengths and
employing specific skills such as managing the sometimes competing needs of children
and parents.
There is an increasing awareness that many clients of drug mentation advice, which might potentially inform family
and alcohol as well as mental health agencies have depend- sensitive practice (Reupert 8C Maybery 2008). This paper
ent children in their care (Maybery et al. 2009a,b, Marsh presents the perspectives of practitioners when working
85 Smith 2011, Reupert et al. 2012). Acknowledging the with complex families and, in particular, implementation
needs of clients’ children and a client’s parenting respon- problems when delivering a family approach and those
sibilities are crucial to stop the intergenerational transmis- strategies they find to be the most effective.
sion of mental illness and substance abuse (Nicholson et al. A significant number of clients of adult mental health
2007). At the same time, there is little in the way of imple- services as well as substance abuse agencies have dependent
642 © 2014 John Wiley 8C Sons Ltd
Article Dissection 3

Article Dissection 3
Read the attached article and address the following in a 2 page paper: A. Describe the purpose/aims of the study. B. Note the theory/ evidence-based intervention/or policy being applied; also note whether the author’s use of theory is explicit or implicit and briefly explain why. Identify the key concepts. Are their definitions clear? Do they fit with the theoretical framework provided? C. Describe the methodology (sample, design, analytic strategy) employed. Does the method fit with the theoretical framework? – consider the type of sample selected, the types of variables included, the approach to data collection and analysis. Are the key variables, and their operationalization, what you expected based on the introduction? If the analysis is sophisticated, does the author do a good job tutoring the reader so you can appreciate the analytic approach? D. Describe the key findings of the study. Overall, what does this study contribute to basic and/or applied knowledge? E. What are the key limitations and implications for practice of the study? – note those mentioned by the author as well as additional limitations and implications you observed (make sure to distinguish between the limitations/implications you identify and those identified by the authors). F. What do you think are some good next steps/good questions to ask for future research? This paper should be in APA format. Please answer each bullet thoroughly and clearly. This paper needs to be in APA format (Double spaced, 12 font Times New Roman, Reference page, and Citations)
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 2014, 21, 642-651
Practitioners’ experiences of working with families with
complex needs
1Associate Professor, Faculty of Education, Monash University, Clayton, and ZAssociate Professor, Department of
Rural and Indigenous Health, Faculty of Medicine and Nursing, Monash University, Moe, Vic., Australia
Keywords: complex families, drug Accessible summary
abuse, parental mental illness
0 While there is emerging evidence for family sensitive practice, few practitioners
Correspondence: employ this approach.
A’ Reupert 0 Over 2 years, practitioners were invited to identify the problems and the successful
Faculty of Education
Monasl) University strategies experienced when working w1th families where a parent, w1th dependent
Clayton children, has a substance and/or mental illness disorder.
Vic. 3800 0 Problems were found related to working With multiple agenc1es, multiple family
Australia problems and high staff turnover.
E-mail: andrea.reupert@monasl) O Practitioners found several strategies to be effective; working in a strength-based
manner, establishing clearly defined and negotiated goals, and balancing the some-
Accepted for publication: 31 January
2014 times competing needs of children and parents.
doi: 10.1111/jpm.12149 Abstract
Even though employing a family-sensitive approach has been shown to be beneficial
for parents and children, there is sporadic uptake of this approach. This paper focuses
on practitioners’ perspectives when working with families where a parent, with
dependent children, has a mental illness and/or substance abuse disorder. The aim of
this research is twofold: (1) identify the issues practitioners face when working with
families with complex needs; and (2) present the strategies they find to be effective in
addressing family needs. Within the context of an organization that supported a
family-sensitive approach, this study reports on 21 semi-structured interviews con-
ducted over 15 months with 10 practitioners, as well as three focus group interviews
with the same staff. Employing a qualitative framework, data highlighted the multi-
faceted nature of family problems, issues working with multiple agencies and prob-
lems associated with staff turnover. Successful strategies included working with the
family on clearly defined and negotiated goals, focusing on family strengths and
employing specific skills such as managing the sometimes competing needs of children
and parents.
There is an increasing awareness that many clients of drug mentation advice, which might potentially inform family
and alcohol as well as mental health agencies have depend- sensitive practice (Reupert 8C Maybery 2008). This paper
ent children in their care (Maybery et al. 2009a,b, Marsh presents the perspectives of practitioners when working
85 Smith 2011, Reupert et al. 2012). Acknowledging the with complex families and, in particular, implementation
needs of clients’ children and a client’s parenting respon- problems when delivering a family approach and those
sibilities are crucial to stop the intergenerational transmis- strategies they find to be the most effective.
sion of mental illness and substance abuse (Nicholson et al. A significant number of clients of adult mental health
2007). At the same time, there is little in the way of imple- services as well as substance abuse agencies have dependent
642 © 2014 John Wiley 8C Sons Ltd