Submit the zipped Eclipse project including at least, and
Countries1.csv. The zip file should be named <your last name> (for example, The Countries1.csv file contains information about all 155 countries (and
regions) in the world. We shall call all these places countries for our projects. The program
should be well documented in the format of doc comments in Java. Detailed formats are found
1. Create a class named Country that will store information about a country and provide
methods to get, and set the data, and compare the countries by several fields.
a. Fields: Name, Code, Capitol, Population, GDP, HappinessRank
b. Constructor
c. Get and set methods for each field
d. Compare method to compare based on Name (expects a Country object as a
e. Method to print a country object
2. Create a class named Project1 that will:
a. Prompt user to enter the name of the CSV file, e.g., Countries1.csv, as input to the
b. Parse Countries1.csv and create an array of country objects containing the data in the
c. Offer the user the following options:
1) Print a countries report
2) Sort by Name (alphabetically using Insertion sort)
3) Sort by Happiness Rank (ascendingly using Selection sort)
4) Sort by GDP per capita (descendingly using Bubble sort)
5) Find and print a country for a given name (using binary search if the data is
sorted by name, sequential search if not)
6) Quit
d. Implement the given option, then prompt again. (deal with invalid choice)
Project1 should have main and methods for each option 1-5.
e. The Country report in option 1 should be in this form: see form in pdf
f. The Country report in option 5 should be in this form: see form in pdf
Array Searches and Sorts