Argumentative Position Paper Informed Consent
For this assignment, you will expand upon your Exploratory Paper, where you investigated two sides of one of these ethical dilemmas/topics: informed consent, patients? rights, or profiting from medicine.
In this paper, you will create an argumentative thesis based on one of those ethical dilemmas and develop specific arguments to support your thesis. For example, you may decide that you wish to argument that individuals (science or patients) should be able to profit from medical research, or you may decide that patients should give up their right to sue when seeking medical help, or you might argument that patients must understand what they are signing before they can receive medical attention. These are examples, and you are to use the topics from the first paragraph as your starting point.
To argue effectively, you must clearly state your position and your major points of evidence in your thesis statement, and then, each body paragraph should work to prove a specific point based off your thesis. Within each paragraph, you must use academic research to support your ideas, which will include quoted, paraphrased, and summarized material from the list of sources given to you with your Exploratory Paper. In addition to providing your argument, you must also acknowledge the opposition to your position, which is called a counterargument, within the body of your paper.
As you craft your argument, you should work to avoid logical fallacies, inappropriate academic style, and plagiarism. Any paper that has been intentionally plagiarized will receive a zero.