Order Description
The essay needs to be based on the following two articles.http://www.salon.com/2008/06/03/buying_in/http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/crafting-your-image-for-your-1-71910
For Argumentative or Analytic Essays
1. The thesis is the litmus test for all the claims made in the body of the essay
2. Make claim, add support from text, explicate relationship between claim, support, and thesis
3. Note: claim offered in terms of the text
4. All claims (whether in support of thesis or used to refute opposing arguments) should prove, in specific terms, the thesis3 Examples
The articles Labels, Clothing, and Identity: Are You What You Wear and Fashion & Social Identity: A Cultural Phenomenon stress the link between ones identity and fashion choice. These articles expose fashions relationship with personal and social identity markers such as sex, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, and sub-culture. For my own part, I recognize the role my fashion has played in expressing (both for myself and to the world) myThe articles Labels, Clothing, and Identity: Are You What You Wear and Fashion & Social Identity: A Cultural Phenomenon stress the link between ones identity and fashion choice. These articles indicate that fashion often mediates an individuals social class, sexuality, gender etc to the rest of the world. I have noticed that these fashion markers of who I am are deeply related to context (time and place) and are often used to present more prominently certain aspects of who I am.http://www.salon.com/2008/06/03/buying_in/http://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/crafting-your-image-for-your-1-71910
For Argumentative or Analytic Essays
1. The thesis is the litmus test for all the claims made in the body of the essay
2. Make claim, add support from text, explicate relationship between claim, support, and thesis
3. Note: claim offered in terms of the text
4. All claims (whether in support of thesis or used to refute opposing arguments) should prove, in specific terms, the thesis3 Examples
The articles Labels, Clothing, and Identity: Are You What You Wear and Fashion & Social Identity: A Cultural Phenomenon stress the link between ones identity and fashion choice. These articles expose fashions relationship with personal and social identity markers such as sex, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, and sub-culture. For my own part, I recognize the role my fashion has played in expressing (both for myself and to the world) myThe articles Labels, Clothing, and Identity: Are You What You Wear and Fashion & Social Identity: A Cultural Phenomenon stress the link between ones identity and fashion choice. These articles indicate that fashion often mediates an individuals social class, sexuality, gender etc to the rest of the world. I have noticed that these fashion markers of who I am are deeply related to context (time and place) and are often used to present more prominently certain aspects of who I am.The articles Labels, Clothing, and Identity: Are You What You Wear and Fashion & Social Identity: A Cultural Phenomenon present notions of the function of fashion in terms of identity as related to power, status, and assumption making. My history bears this out in both my stereotyping and being stereotyped due to clothing choice
Argumentative essay