Write a 3 page summary/evaluation of a peer reviewed essay related to our semester’s investigation of heroes in america . Begin your analysis with a summary, as we’ve practiced in class. The summary should be one paragraph and include your chosen essay’s topic, thesis, main points, and broader
implications. Next write your evaluation of the essay. How well does it argue its thesis? Identify assumptions it makes, counter arguments it anticipates, and any false binaries or logical fallacies you see buried in the argument. End your analysis by stating whether, after having read and evaluated the argument, you agree with the essay’s thesis or not. State why
Argument Evaluation Assignment Prompt

Argument Evaluation Assignment Prompt

Write a 3 page summary/evaluation of a peer reviewed essay related to our semester’s investigation of heroes in america . Begin your analysis with a summary, as we’ve practiced in class. The summary should be one paragraph and include your chosen essay’s topic, thesis, main points, and broader
implications. Next write your evaluation of the essay. How well does it argue its thesis? Identify assumptions it makes, counter arguments it anticipates, and any false binaries or logical fallacies you see buried in the argument. End your analysis by stating whether, after having read and evaluated the argument, you agree with the essay’s thesis or not. State why