Argue in favor of or against the methods of parents of Sasha and of Storm, Kio, and Jazz that growing up in a gender rich environment (that does not limit a childs choice of what to wear, how to play, or how to present oneself to the gender stereotypes that draw lines between what is suitable for boys and what is suitable for girls) is a positive experience for children. (ARGUMENT)CHECKLIST:The final draft should:Be the students original writingBe at least 1500 words excluding the Works Cited listCite at least three sourcesEffectively integrate sources using attribution and correct MLA documentationInclude at least two quotations from sourcesInclude at least two paraphrases from sourcesInclude a full summary of at least one sourceInclude no more than one block quotationInclude no more than 25% quoted materialBe submitted to the Canvas assignment by the designated deadline (including the Works Cited list)Be presented in MLA format and follow MLA 7th edition style
Argue in favor of or against the methods of parents of Sasha