Apply project information management and communications techniquesOrder Description
Assessment 1: Written Questions
Answer the following questions:
Question 1: Summarise the goal and key components of the basic communication model. (100-150 words)
Question 2: Explain the importance of keeping information secure. Why should information kept on computers be backed up?
Question 3: Outline at least five sources of information that can be used to review communication outcomes.
Question 4: What are organisational policies and procedures in relation to information and communications management?
Assessment 2: Project
You are required to document your role in applying communications and information management techniques at the completion of a project. This will form part of the project review. The project may be set in a business, social, sporting, or family environment but must be a significant size and scale. If you do not have an actual project to write about you may complete the project hypothetically.
Write project report (2,000 to 2,500 words), address each of the following issues:
1. Identify and describe the purpose, scope and objectives of the project.
2. What were the information requirements of the project?
3. How was a communications plan developed?
4. Describe how the team was informed of the project.
5. Describe the strategies that were set up to maintain communication with the team members.
6. How was information delivered to help in decision making activities?
7. Describe the strategies that were used to set time frames or milestones for this project.
8. Describe the tools that were used to communicate to stakeholders the goals, time frame or milestone.
9. List any factors that you experienced that delayed your project and outline how you have overcome and communicated this to others.
10. What internal and external communication barriers were encountered and how were they addressed?
11. How did you ensure that information was secure and auditable?
12. Critique the recording and reporting process.
13. What information management techniques were employed to monitor timelines for the project? Was this successful and what other information management techniques could you have implemented?
14. How were current project records maintained? Who had responsibility for this? Give critique and provide minimum 5 recommendations on how this process could be improved.
Apply project information management and communications techniques