Choose one of the following topics to write an essay:
1. [T]he issue is no longer how China is being hybridizedbut how it is hybridizing, and the
agency and choice of Chinese actors (across the spectrum of government, firms, entrepreneurs,
consumers, migrants, tourists) move to the foreground as key variables (Pieterse, 2015, p.
Within the time span and scope covered by the topics of this unit of study in weeks six to nine,
discuss the process or/and consequences of Chinas engagement with the products or
production of foreign:
a) film, or
b) television, or
c) news.
2. The engagement of various media industries in China with the world in the post-1978 era is
shaped by a similar set of state regulation and policy. Discuss the regulation and policy with
respect to the:
a) online gaming, or
b) video streaming industry.
3. In what ways do networked digital technologies alter the relative power of the Chinese partystate and the Chinese citizens? Discuss with regard to one of the following:
a) social media,
b) the social credit system
Any topic (writer’s choice)