Order DescriptionYou are tasked with proposing an adaptation of Sophocles Antigone. Imagine that are applying to a funding source for support to develop and produce an adaptation. You will need to make a specific case for the importance or relevance of Antigone and offer a discursive or analytical account of one sample scene.Your submission/paper will involve two major steps.Identify and discuss ONE element that attracts or intrigues you about the play. Focus on one scene or moment where this element is operative as evidence that supports your claims.describe how you plan to adapt this scene by answering questions like the following:To what audience(s) do you want to speak?
What message are you hoping to project?
How does this message relate to the original? That is, how is it differentand why? How is it similarand why?
What medium will you useanother play, a novel, cartoon, graphic? Why did you choose this medium?
antigone response paper