Topic: Gender Inequality in Japan (Anthropology)
Include socio-cultural analysis or discussion
How does this topic relate to Japanese culture? Include readings from class (attached as PDF)
6-8 Pages double space 12pt font times new Roman
needs to focus on 3 major concepts : Uchi/ soto > inside/outside
Ura/ omote > front/ back
a. URA- the true meaning behind something
b. OMOTE- things that are obvious on the surface to the eye
Honne/ tatemae > true feeling / what is stated
Terms or emphasis that must be used in the paper:
1. Retro of reversal – obligation reverses once a year
2. An emphasis on ranking
3. An emphasis on collectivities, groups, or a person’s embeddedness in interactive groups
4. An emphasis on and patterning of uchi/soto (inside/outside) concepts
5. an emphasis on or patterning of ura/omote (front/back) concepts
6. an acceptance and understanding of honne/tatemae (true feelings or situation vs those
7. an emphasis on obligations
8. an emphasis on situationalism
9. an emphasis on conformity to expected codes
Citations Requried :
– At least 8 PEER REVIEWED citations required.
– Refer to papers written by Millie Creighton or Dorine K. Kondo
– Must use the following two references as one of the citations (PDF included):
o “Crafting selves” (Dorinne K.KONDO)
o “Sweet love and Women’s Place Valentines Day Japan style” (Millie Crieghton)
– Citation format: Anthropology Citation