Read the following link.use username 985840507 password ziyidi log in Venne’s text is broken into seven sections plus a conclusion. Choose one of these sections and 1. write one paragraph in which you identify and flesh out Venne’s central point in this section. Provide page number. 2. write one paragraph in which you draw a connection between her central point and a moment in any one text or film covered in this course so far that makes a similar point. If possible, provide page numbers for the second text but if that is not possible, provide enough context to remind reader where the point is being made. 3. write one or two paragraphs in which you express your own opinion, or what you think about this idea that Venne’s central point that you have explicated above. You need to find the second in following link. use same username and password.

Read this article “Food for Thought” (2003) by William R. Leonard (Scientific American Special Edition July 2003: pp 62-71) and answer the following question. How do you think the information presented in this article is applicable to gaining a more thorough understanding the human race’s modern day problems with obesity and high rates of chronic illness? Give a few specific examples from the article to support your claim.

Read this article “Food for Thought” (2003) by William R. Leonard (Scientific American Special Edition July 2003: pp 62-71) and answer the following question. How do you think the information presented in this article is applicable to gaining a more thorough understanding the human race’s modern day problems with obesity and high rates of chronic illness? Give a few specific examples from the article to support your claim.