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answer the questions

Paper instructions:

FROM CHAPTER TWELV E:  Physical Development and Health in Middle Childhood

1.  Piaget maintained that a child’s level of cognitive development influences his or her understanding of health and illness.
(a)  Explain this Piagetian principle
(b)  What would it mean in terms of a school education program targeting healthy eating and obesity concerns?  (Be certain to include the information and

concerns on this issue that are presented in the chapter.)

FROM CHAPTER THIRTEEN:  Cognitive Development in Middle Childhood

2.  Piaget proposed that moral reasoning develops in three stages. List each of the three stages, and note the corresponding age range of the children in each

stage. Describe each stage by explaining how a child in that stage would solve a moral dilemma.

3.  No Child Left Behind means that each child in school will be given the opportunity to learn, and the level of learning will be monitored and remediated when

necessary. When children do not meet the objectives that have been set, school systems make difficult decisions about a student’s future. Explain the apparent conflict

between social promotion and retention.

FROM CHAPTER FOURTEEN:  Psychosocial Development in Middle Childhood

4.  (a)  How do children’s relationships with peers change in middle childhood, and how do they choose their friends during this period?
(b) Define and explain the differences between hostile aggression, instrumental aggression, and relational aggression. Give examples of each.


Chapter One in our text presents six fundamental aspects or points for which consensus regarding the development of children and adolescents has emerged (See An

Emerging Consensus €“ page 18-20).  Briefly define and discuss each concept and provide an example you have learned that demonstrates your understanding of each


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1. As you appreciate, human reproduction is sexual, meaning that both a female and male partner are required. To carry out its job, the reproductive systems perform two functions, Mention and explain them.
2. The male reproductive system performs three roles: Produce, nourishes, and transports sperm. Mention, describe and explain the organs and accessory glands of the male reproductive system:location, function, etc.
3. Each day a man makes millions of sperm. The process is calling Spermatogenesis. Describe and explain.
4. Mention the main characteristics and function of the semen.
5. Give explanation about Male sex hormones, their functions and effects over male reproduction.
6. The female reproductive system performs tree main functions. Mention and describe them.
7. Describe the organs, locations, main characteristics, and the function of the Female reproductive system and the genital tract.
8. Once a month the ovarian follicle burst. The ovary ejects a mature egg or ovum, this process is call ovulation. Describe it.
9. During female puberty, the ovaries begin to secrete the sex hormones: Estrogen and Progesterone. Illustrate their function, secreting cell and their role in the Hormonal control of the reproductive cycles.
10. There are two components of the female reproductive cycle; the ovarian cycle and the uterine cycle. These cycles begin at puberty and last about 40 years. Explain cycles, phases, and their most important characteristics.

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1. As you appreciate, human reproduction is sexual, meaning that both a female and male partner are required. To carry out its job, the reproductive systems perform two functions, Mention and explain them.
2. The male reproductive system performs three roles: Produce, nourishes, and transports sperm. Mention, describe and explain the organs and accessory glands of the male reproductive system:location, function, etc.
3. Each day a man makes millions of sperm. The process is calling Spermatogenesis. Describe and explain.
4. Mention the main characteristics and function of the semen.
5. Give explanation about Male sex hormones, their functions and effects over male reproduction.
6. The female reproductive system performs tree main functions. Mention and describe them.
7. Describe the organs, locations, main characteristics, and the function of the Female reproductive system and the genital tract.
8. Once a month the ovarian follicle burst. The ovary ejects a mature egg or ovum, this process is call ovulation. Describe it.
9. During female puberty, the ovaries begin to secrete the sex hormones: Estrogen and Progesterone. Illustrate their function, secreting cell and their role in the Hormonal control of the reproductive cycles.
10. There are two components of the female reproductive cycle; the ovarian cycle and the uterine cycle. These cycles begin at puberty and last about 40 years. Explain cycles, phases, and their most important characteristics.

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