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Androids and the Mind/Body Problem

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Group Discussion Board Forum 1

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Androids and the Mind/Body Problem

Note: In order to fulfill this assignment you need to have read Hasker: ch 3. You also need to have viewed the video presentation The Mind/Body Problem and the PointeCast presentation Proposed Solutions to the Mind/Body Problem. If you have not done so, please stop now and read that chapter.

Science fiction literature often raises philosophical issues and is a great source for philosophical speculation. This is especially true for the mind/body problem. For example, it is common in science fiction literature to encounter androids. An android is a robot which resembles a human being in appearance and behavior. Examples of androids in science fiction books, television programs or films are numerous (Star Trek, Star Wars, Aleins, Terminator, A.I., I Robot, etc.). In reality many computer scientists are currently working in the area of artificial intelligence or machines that can think for themselves. Many computer scientists believe this is the first step in creating these androids of the future and that in time the distinction between man and machine will be practically erased. These scientists speculate that androids with super-computer brains will have thoughts, beliefs, feelings and desires just like humans. Therefore, some argue, they will also have the same rights, responsibilities, and privileges that all humans have and should be treated as thus. Do you see problems with this view of the future? Do you think machines can ever become persons?

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In order to explore this question, let us consider an episode of the popular television series, Star Trek: The Next Generation. It would be helpful if you could view this episode (perhaps you can rent it from your local video store or Netflix), but I have provided a synopsis so that you can fulfill this assignment without viewing the episode. You will need to have read Hasker, Ch 3 in order to fulfill this assignment.

For your initial post: After reading the synopsis (or viewing the episode) write a substantive response (at least 350 words) and post it on the forum. Your initial post must address the first question below. You may also address several of the other questions as well but the bulk of your response should be on the first question and relating the story to Hasker, Ch 3.

• From your reading of Hasker, and using the categories he uses, what view of the mind/body problem do you think is exhibited by Picard? By Maddox? Support your answer.
• Maddox lists three criteria for a being to be sentient: intelligence, self-awareness and consciousness. Are these adequate? Can you think of other properties or characteristics a being needs to have in order to be considered a person? What might they be?
• Do you think that artificial intelligence to the level as it is presented in the story will someday be possible? Why or why not?
• Do you think Maddox is right when he claims that Picard is being irrational and emotional in his view of Data?
• Do you agree with the JAG officers final ruling. Why or why not?
• If A.I. does become possible, will we have obligations to treat machines ethically?

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