1. Setup Android Development Environment based on Eclipse IDE, including: – Install latest stable version of Java SDK – Install latest stable version of Eclipse – Download Android SDK – Configure ADT plugin for Eclipse – Download necessary packages using SDK Manager, making sure the following items are included: a. Tools (SDK tools, Platform-tools, latest Build-tools) b. Android 4.4.2 (API 19) – all items c. Extra – all items – Install Intel HAXM (installer downloaded to extrasintel), if your CPU supports it. 2. Create a Android Virtual Device (AVD) with the following configuration: (Note: this will serve as the device all future course project should be tested on, unless explicitly specified otherwise) – Device: Nexus One – Target: Google API (x86 System Image) (Google In) – API Level 19 – CPU: Intel Atom (x86) – Memory: RAM 768/Heap 32 – Internal Storage: 200MiB – SD card: 200MiB 3. Test your deveopment environment using the sample project (legacy-Snake). Make sure you can run/debug the project on the AVD created. 4. Develop your first Android App, which simply displays the following text: “Hello Android, my name is .”With the following settings (note that naming convention and settings MUST be applied to all future assignments) – Application Name: Week1App – Project Name: – Package Name: edu.phoenix.mbl402. – Minimum Required SDK: API 14 – Taget SDK: API 19 – Comptaible with: API 19 5. Assignment Submission Instructions (applies to all future programming assignments, including team project ) Once you have developed and tested the application on the AVD, submit the following 4 files for review: – .apk file (generated under the /bin directory of the project workspace) – Screenshot.doc (including all the distinctive screenshots of your application running on the AVD) – WorkDescrption.doc: Explain how you analyze, design and implement the project, including flowcharts, code samples etc. – src.zip: Clean the project, then zip the project’s workspace into a src.zip file