Coursework Assignment Brief 2013-14
Objectives of the Assignment
The assignment is designed to enable students to demonstrate their self-knowledge and an awareness of the kind of employment that they are suited to, and also to show their awareness of the graduate employment market. Completion of the assignment demonstrates full engagement with the module’s lectures and seminars.
Nature of the Assignment
Students must prepare a portfolio of total length no more than 2000 words demonstrating their activities on the module and the learning that they have acquired in accordance with the four learning outcomes of the module. The learning outcomes are:
The intended learning outcomes are that on completion of this module the student should be able to:
? Participate in a professional networking environment and appreciate the benefits of such an environment for employers and potential employees.
? Enhance graduate ‘employability’ skills of personal development, such as: CV writing, interview skills, meeting management, effective e-mailing.
? Perform an analysis of the graduate labour market and discuss possible job opportunities in their preferred industry(ies).
? Analyse the advantages/disadvantages of working in different kinds of employment -(Public Sector/Private Sector/Voluntary Sector and large /medium-sized/small organisations).
The portfolio must consist of the following five artefacts:
1. An Introduction
This should cover your career aspirations, any previous work experience you have had and any special employability attributes that you possess. i.e. identifying any key skills or knowledge that you have that would attract an employer in the graduate market place.
2. An analytical record of the six lectures on the module given by industry speakers.
The analytical record for each lecture should include:
Date of Lecture and the employer involved. Len Bird September 2013.
The key messages that you took away from the lecture and the potential for any future job hunting activities it inspired.
3. A screenshot(s) of your professional networking page
Plus a discussion explaining how you personally have used the network in your graduate job hunting and its potential to help you in the future.
4. An action plan stating how you intend to engage with the department’s Employability Personal Tutor in the next semester after the completion of the module.
This should include: actions, dates and potential outcomes.
5. A Reflective piece of writing reflecting on the online activities associated with the module.
This should cover the benefits you received by doing the online activities and what problems you may have encountered in the process.
Analyse the advantages/disadvantages of working in different kinds of employment -(Public Sector/Private Sector/Voluntary Sector and large /medium-sized/small organisations).