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Analyse an organisational culture in readiness for a policy change, supporting your analysis from the theoretical literature.

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As a leader of change, you will sometimes be expected to develop a new policy or implement a new public policy. This first step will involve quite a bit of analysis, both of the cultural context, and various alternative approaches. This assessment task is similar to a green paper that is a discussion paper prepared early in a policy design cycle with the intention of scoping out the possibilities and making recommendations for action that can then be sent out for consultation.You are to identify a policy that needs to be developed for an organisation or workplace with which you are familiar and analyse the culture in readiness for this policy change. (Alternately, you might like to critically analyse an existing policy by discussing its development and implementation and make recommendations for the next stage of development).Your analysis should be supported with literature from policy and leadership theory, and if appropriate from the literature about the policy content.Suggested plan1. Introduction: (300 words) Identify a policy that needs to be developed in your workplace or has recently been implemented. Briefly describe the nature of the policy and introduce the site for which the policy is designed.
2. Cultural analysis: (600 words) Define the term organisational culture as it applies to your cultural context. Critically analyse the complexities of your chosen organizations vision, values and culture and what aspects of the culture will impact on the development of the particular policy.
3. Policy analysis: (600 words) Justify why this policy is necessary. Analyse for policy by reviewing the literature to identify best practice for the particular change situation that is initiated by your chosen policy. State which theories and principles of policy analysis are informing your critique.
4. Implications and Recommendations: (500 words) From your analysis, conclude with implications this policy will have for leaders, and make recommendations or principles that you believe should guide
LCN630 Assignment 1 Critique
What is required?
As a leader of change, you will sometimes be expected to develop a new policy or implement a new public policy. This first step will involve quite a bit of analysis, both of the cultural context, and various alternative approaches. This assessment task is similar to a green paper that is a discussion paper prepared early in a policy design cycle with the intention of scoping out the possibilities and making recommendations for action that can then be sent out for consultation.You are to identify a policy that needs to be developed for an organisation or workplace with which you are familiar and analyse the culture in readiness for this policy change. (Alternately, you might like to critically analyse an existing policy by discussing its development and implementation and make recommendations for the next stage of development).Your analysis should be supported with literature from policy and leadership theory, and if appropriate from the literature about the policy content.Suggested plan1. Introduction: (300 words) Identify a policy that needs to be developed in your workplace or has recently been implemented. Briefly describe the nature of the policy and introduce the site for which the policy is designed.
2. Cultural analysis: (600 words) Define the term organisational culture as it applies to your cultural context. Critically analyse the complexities of your chosen organizations vision, values and culture and what aspects of the culture will impact on the development of the particular policy.
3. Policy analysis: (600 words) Justify why this policy is necessary. Analyse for policy by reviewing the literature to identify best practice for the particular change situation that is initiated by your chosen policy. State which theories and principles of policy analysis are informing your critique.
4. Implications and Recommendations: (500 words) From your analysis, conclude with implications this policy will have for leaders, and make recommendations or principles that you believe should guide an implementation strategy.References.
? Your work should be coherent and logically argued. Write simply and to the point, ensuring that you write critically/analytically rather than simply descriptively.
? Use the APA referencing system. Refer to CiteWrite.
? Number each page of the assignment.
? Include your name and unit code in the header of each page.
? Please attach the Criteria Sheet with your assignment.
? Include a word count on your title page.
? To provide evidence for a result that is greater than a 4, highlight using a coloured highlighter in the reference list those readings that show you have gone beyond the course readings.It is very important that your assignment is on or before the due date. Submit your assignment through the BLACKBOARD link to grade centre on the assessment page. Please note that there is a new late assignment policy for QUT. Late assessment will no longer be graded without a prior approved extension. Read the fine print here: http://www.mopp.qut.edu.au/E/E_06_08.jspGradingThis assignment will be graded using a 1 to 7 scale as follows:1-3: Unsatisfactory written proficiency, errors of fact, inconsistencies, irrelevant detail, lacking in intrinsic organization. Factual information is accurate but incomplete. Minimal application of this information is made. (Fail)
4: Factual information is accurate and reflects reading for meaning in relevant and recent literature. An ability to apply this information is indicated. (Pass)
5: Integration of ideas from a number of sources. Evidence of ability to think in reflective ways in practical education situations. (Credit)
6: A synthesis of recent and relevant ideas from a variety of sources. Evidence of ability to think in reflective ways in practical educational situations. Taking ownership of ideas. (Distinction)
7: Highly creative synthesis of appropriate ideas from a wide range of sources. Evidence of ability to think in critically reflective ways in a variety of theoretical and practical education situations. (Higher distinction)P)Topic choice and focus: Ability to identify/ articulate a practical policy leadership issue and justify policy purpose.Knowledge and Understanding of the course content: Ability to identify key principles from a comprehensive literature review and use these to critique an organisational culture. Sophisticated articulation of issue showing alignment between cultural values, and policy vision using literature to support the critique. Considers wider policy environment and draws from the policy literature in the field to create an insightful argument.
Sophisticated understanding of culture that is comprehensive but succinct. Excellent literature base which includes many recent and pertinent sources Very clear articulation of issue to be examined. Comprehensive understanding of issues is supported by theory and evidence from the context with mostly consistent analysis.
Articulates visible and more subtle enacted cultural values.Well researched
drawing from recent and pertinent sources Good explanation of issue supported by literature.Analyses the culture and context to identify what might need to change.Good range of references Adequate explanation of issue to be examined.Defines policy and applies core principles from the course readings to analyse the culture and context in mostly descriptive rather than evaluative ways. Inability to identify a relevant issue
Very sketchy and/or superficial understanding; few references consulted; failure to consult sufficient number of pertinent or recent resources
Analysis of culture was general with little specific details about the context.
Response: (parts 4 & 5)
Use of theory to identify implications and synthesise into recommendations or principles to guide proposed changes. Identified principles are frequently linked in a creative and sophisticated conceptual argument; integrating theme(s) very evident; Analysis of leadership approaches shows critical reflection and alignment between values, and policy vision Evidence of linking concepts from various sources (thematic approach); an integrated theme used throughout;
Leadership approaches are well supported by research.Recommendations show reflection and taking ownership of ideas. An integrating of themes from the literature clearly evident in recommendations that are reflective and practical. Occasional linking of concepts from various sources supports a consistent general set of recommendations. Poorly structured (eg. Serial approach to literature review); does not link concepts and information from different sources; lacks any integrating theme; lacks analysis of findings or relevant recommendations.
Communication:Ability to write in an appropriate literary style
Ability to appropriately acknowledge and reference the work of others using APA Elegantly expressed using appropriate academic genre; highly effective editing for word length, very few errors.Sources show critical selection and are always appropriately acknowledged; paraphrases ideas succinctly with limited, selective use of quotations and in-text citations Very well expressed using appropriate academic genre; few instances of spelling, grammatical or stylistic errorsSources generally appropriately acknowledged; uses own words to summarise ideas, limited, selective use of quotations Well expressed; occasional stylistic or grammatical or spelling errors; editing for word length more effective in some sections than others.Sources almost always appropriately acknowledged; nearly always uses own words to summarise ideas; limited, selective use of quotations; Generally, clearly but not elegantly expressed; occasional stylistic, spelling or grammatical errors; occasional instances of vagueness and/or sweeping statementsSources usually appropriately acknowledged with consistent referencing; often uses own words to summarise ideas from sources; quotations usually used appropriately Ungrammatical and/or clumsy phrasing; unsuitable style for academic paper (too imprecise, too prone to sweeping statements); weak spelling. Has not met the word limit requirements.Sources seldom acknowledged, inconsistent citing/ referencing system; instances of plagiarism or near plagiarism; over-quotes

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