An assessment of the economic impact of the 2012 Olympics on London.Order DescriptionAs well as a summary of the overall costs and benefits derived from published estimates from independent and reliable sources and supported by data you should concentrate on three of the following aspects in detail. The impact of the Games on Londons: (i) transport system; (ii) labour market; (iii) housing market; (iv) retail sector; (v) tourism.Appropriate length (no more than 2,000 words), format and structure.
You must supply full references for all your sources; you should aim to provide at 5-10 good academic sources (journal articles or books).
Your work should be grammatically sound; please proof-read or spell-check before submission.
Evidence of adequate research and the use of an appropriate range of data sources and data presentation formats (graphs, charts, figures and tables, as relevant).
Quality and originality of analysis, which focuses on the question requirements; appropriate use of economic concepts will be rewarded.
A brief Executive Summary and Conclusion, each of no more than 250 words.Executive Summary 10%. This should be used to summarise the approach and key findings of the report.Presentation and Structure 20%.This covers such things as layout and format, section numbering and referencing; grammar and expression; use of charts, tables etc.Research 30%. Use of a range of sources of information. Evidence that data (of all types) has been accessed and used appropriately.Analysis 40%. Evidence that the information you have gathered has been used to produce an answer to the question. Rather than simply offering description, some insights (informed by your research) are required.Conclusion 10%. This should pull together the previous analysis, perhaps highlighting the most important elements and indicating any constraints (in terms of availability of data length, time etc) you faced in writing the report.PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH US TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT
An assessment of the economic impact of the 2012 Olympics on London.