Find five important Americans of Hispanic origin and research them. Find people who are not all in the same category (for example, don’t write about several movie stars or baseball players). A book entitled The Hispanic 100: A Ranking of the Latino Men and Women Who Have Most Influenced American Thought and Culture can give you ideas as well as identifying people you may not have realized are Hispanic. You can also search for Hispanic Americans on the Internet. Write brief biographies for each individual. Look up the countries they are from or where they have roots. What are some customs and ideas unique to that culture?If they were not born in the United States, create maps of their homelands and mark the cities where they or their parents were born and grew up. Why did they or their ancestors leave their country? Do they have suggestions for others to find success? What do they do now? What do they plan for the future? How have these people influenced America? How have they brought attention to Hispanic culture? Remember to cite all of your sources.