The questions are from the textbook “American Constitutional Law (11th edition)” by Louis Fisher. These two questions need to be answered with 300 word answers each.
– Answers have to come from the book.
-Also need some in text citations with page numbers from the book to back up your answers as sources of information.
1) In Marsh v. Chambers, 463 U.S 783 (1983), the court upheld the practice of legislative prayer. If that position is sustainable, does it follow that a national day of prayer would be Constitutional? Consider what is involved in the course of legislative prayer, and who the target audience is, who is the target audience of a national day of prayer? Would the government violate the principle of neutrality if it sponsored such an event?
2) Did the court make the right decision in D.C v. Heller? Do you think the Second Amendment should protect a collective right or a personal right? Are there any gun regulations that should be permitted?