discuss future changes in reimbursement methodologies. Compare and contrast each article to the information discussed in the course textbook. Based on your understanding, create a 3-page Microsoft Word document that includes the answers to the questions for the above topics.
Support your responses with examples.
Cite any sources in APA format.
How is the data from an EMR utilized? What is the impact of EMR certification on reimbursement?
Minimum of 2 academic ressources
Technology Impact on Healthcare Decision Making
For this assignment you will create a PowerPoint presentation you could deliver in this class to the instructor and your peers addressing the following:
Technological advances have changed the way medical care is practiced and delivered. Identify and describe three of the most significant clinical and/or information technological changes you have seen in the last five years. Discuss the influence each technological change on a specific aspect of healthcare. Consider the influence on decision-making and ethical choice from the patient and healthcare provider/professional’s perspective. End your evaluation by considering whether technology brings great benefits, but also produces new ethical dilemmas for health care based on your research and assessment. Use diagrams, graphics and pictures to demonstrate your points or support the types of technology identified, influence on ethical decisions and final evaluation.
Your presentation should meet the
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