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Aging Simulation Activity Rubric;

Aging Simulation Activity Rubric;

This is the rubric that we will use to grade each student’s “Aging Simulation Paper” project.
In putting together your reaction paper for the Aging Simulation Exercise, a few of the questions below may help. In a 2-3 page reaction paper using APA guidelines based on your experiences, please relate your experiences/observations/ insights to a minimum of four (citations) course readings/resources/lectures, or other resources. Please include your insights into interacting with older adults, particularly related to adapting services to individual needs. Reflect on impairments that you experienced:
• Vision
• Hearing
• Taste and Smell
• Mobility
• Limitations for flexibility in upper and lower extremities, especially hands and fine motor skills
• Moving more slowly
Consider those abilities that you kept:
• How did it feel to have others ‘age’ around you?
• What would it be like to be the higher functioning spouse, and therefore, the caregiver for your husband or wife (or friend)?
What were your expectations for what this exercise would be like?
Did you experience any different impressions after thinking about the experience for a couple of days?
Describe your feelings about the experience. Were there any surprises in how it felt?
What changes did you observe about yourself and other participants?
How were you treated or responded to by ‘the professional staff’? (optional question)
How might you have been responded to by the public?
How would it feel for others to be impatient with you, or take over because you are slow (movement, speech, apparent cognition)?
Were you surprised at how impairments other than vision restricted your experience? How about multiple areas or types of impairment?
How might these age related changes effect doing tasks basic to community living, such as getting dressed, paying bills, and getting groceries?
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Aging Simulation Activity Rubric
How did it feel to be left with nothing to do? (optional question)
Did making your own decisions and choices seem important? Your independence?
What kind of behavior did your feelings and reactions lead to?
Have you observed such behaviors or reactions in older adults?
Does the experience stimulate thoughts about the reactions and behaviors of older individuals with an impairment?
Does the experience suggest changes in your feelings or behavior towards older adults?
You are expected to response to the assignment guidelines above and Simulation guidelines located at drop box. submit drop box. Based on Group Grade.
27.4 – 30 points
Bare Minimum
Below 25
? Cover at least five of the listed questions as outline in assignment drop box
? Integrate issues related to diversity and inclusion throughout this paper.
? How do project relate to content from the Quadagno “Aging and the Life Course or other cited resources. At least four citations
? APA guidelines if appropriate inclusive of citations at least four within body of paper.
? Quality writing and proofreading.
? Page requirements
? An understanding of the questions.
? One or more elements missing from column one.
? Quality writing and proofreading.
? Other elements missing such as failure to cover at least five questions as outline above
? Met the requirements of APA guidelines if appropriate
? Quality of writing poor.
Course Rules
Academic Honesty: You are responsible for making yourself aware of and understanding the University policies and procedures that pertain to Academic Honesty. These policies include cheating, fabrication, falsification and forgery, multiple submission, plagiarism, complicity and computer misuse. (The academic policies addressing Student Rights and Responsibilities can be found in the Undergraduate Catalog at http://catalog.wmich.edu/content.php?&navoid+882 and the graduate Catalog <http://catalog.wmich.edu/content.php?catoid=23&navoid=938.) If there is reason to believe you have been involved in academic dishonesty, you will be referred
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Aging Simulation Activity Rubric
to the Office of Student Conduct. You will be given the opportunity to review the charge(s) and if you believe you are not responsible, you will have the opportunity for a hearing. You should consult with your professor/instructor if you are uncertain about an issue of academic honesty prior to the submission of an assignment or test.
• An incidence of plagiarism (intentional or otherwise) may result in a referral for academic dishonesty and if found responsible, a failing grade. If you are uncertain, please seek help from the writing center or make an appointment to see me prior to the due date of the assignment.
APA Guidelines can be found at Course eLearning site.
• I expect the quality of your written work to be the same as work you would produce as a professional. All papers must follow APA writing guideline. APA guidelines can be found under the resource link at the eLearning course site. The Writing Center (Academic Success Programs) can help you with meeting these guidelines. (269) 387-4615.
• All papers should be type written and proofread. Grades on all written assignments will take into account how you show your understanding, integration and interpretation of concepts presented in text books, online videos and other materials at course eLearning site as well as organization, clarity, spelling and grammar.
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