I have provided information about a journal article (i.e An Event Related Potential Study of the Effects of Age, Load and Maintenance Duration on Working Memory Recognition) below. This article is to provide a backbone for your final paper on the topic of Aging and Memory.
Students, using the chosen topic, should ensure their literature review includes the following.
1. Introduction – Why is this topic important? What is the history of this topic?
2. Body – What are the related theories or findings? What is the evidence that supports your claim? What evidence runs contrary to your claim and how do you reconcile that with your claim? The body of your paper should describe the research that has previously been done on this topic, as well as any controversies or alternate opinions.
3. Discussion/Conclusion/Implications – What is your final conclusion from the literature review? What questions remain? You should also discuss the possible implications of your argument for existing theories and for everyday life.
Grading criteria regarding content, organization and style is below. You must use a minimum of 5 additional peer-reviewed journal articles for your literature review, and at least 3 published within the last 6 years. The references in this article may serve as a guide, but you ought to use papers that are relevant to your opinion/paper.
Aging and Memory