This assignment is a reflection of current events and an opportunity to compare past events with current events and is due the days we discuss Blacks in the News (see dates listed in course calendar). Your summary of the article or news should be brief (about 2-5 sentences) with the majority of your assignment devoted to your analysis of the information you read. Dont forget to copy/paste the link to where you found your news at the bottom of your assignment. note: please write your thoughts on what the article meant to you.
African American

African American
Order Description
The course Project should be six to eight pages in length, with an additional title page and reference pages(s). The Reference page should include a minimum of four different scholarly, academically accepted books and/or journals used. Do not use Wikipedia and similar encyclopedia websites, such as or
in 48 hours I will need to submit the research paper topic proposal in 1 page and 10 days later submit the reference list and outline of the research paper and the final version of the research paper.
According to the U.S justice department, in 2003 about 10.4% of all African American men between the ages of 25 to 29 were incarcerated, as compared to 2.4% of Hispanic men and 1.2% of non Hispanic white men. What is going on here? Why are black men in this age group so much more likely to be in jail than are people of white or Latino descent? Research the incidents of criminal prosecution, conviction, prison sentences, and time served by race and ethnicity for all three-African American, Hispanic, and White men. What factors or variables are associated with who gets involved in crime, why, and what happens to them in the criminal justice system? also look into how many judges, lawyers, and lawmakers are white compared with those who are African American. What does this tell us about structured inequality?