Administrative LawOrder Description This assignment will require you to conduct research about the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board. You will need to present your information in sentence and paragraph form.I highly recommend you use subtitles to keep your discussion neat and tidy. You will need to consult both the enabling statute for the Board and the Tribunals Website in order to complete this assignment successfully. This assignment is to be completed on an individual basis.Your submission must be typewritten and must be a minimum of two (2) pages and a maximum of four (4) pages 1.5-spaced in length.It must also address the following issues/questions: 1. Identify the Ministry (provincial) or Department (federal) that the Board falls under 2. Identify the enabling statute or legislation for the Board 3. What is the Tribunal?s jurisdiction (monetary, subject matter, territorial, temporal)? How much money can the Board award? How do you qualify for compensation (must you be a victim of a crime to apply for compensation)? Must an applicant live in Ontario? How long do you have to make an application? 4. Explain the general process of filing an application with the Tribunal (documents that must be filed, fees, etc.) 5. Remedies that may be awarded by the Tribunal 6. Remedies available if a decision of the Board is not satisfactory (appeal grounds; limitation periods for bringing an appeal?)In addition, your assignment must, at a minimum, reference: 1. The Enabling statute (please include the full citation) 2. One secondary source such as a book or a journal article (no online resources please)PLEASE NOTE THAT YOUR GRADE WILL BE BROKEN DOWN AS FOLLOWS: Explanation of relevant issues 20/ Use of References 2.5/ Organization, Grammar, Style 2.5Please ensure that your citations/references are in accordance with the Canadian Guide to Uniform Legal Citation (McGill Guide), which is the style guide used by Canadian administrative tribunals and courts. Queen?s University has a helpful guide that you can consult at the following link: & Other Instructions: ? Arial 11 font ? 2-4 pages in length ? 1.5 spacing ? Subtitles ? Report format
Administrative Law Academic Essay